Wallace & Graham, P.A. has a proven record of success obtaining successful verdicts and settlements for asbestos victims from Virginia, throughout the Southeast and across the nation.
The diagnosis of mesothelioma or another asbestos-related disease is devastating news. However, our legal advocacy has helped hundreds of mesothelioma victims recover the compensation that helps them obtain the treatment they need to prolong life or ease the painful symptoms.
Contact our mesothelioma litigation lawyers to discuss your possible personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. We offer a free consultation at 800-849-5291. We represent clients from Richmond, Norfolk, Roanoke, throughout Virginia and nationwide.
In Virginia and elsewhere, the dangers of asbestos exposure were well known for many years before the substance was banned. Instead of implementing safety measures or making their processes safer, companies took the less expensive route of paying off diseased workers. The result: hundreds of thousands of American men and women developing mesothelioma, asbestosis, lung cancer and other asbestos-related diseases.
In the 20th century, asbestos was used for a wide range of purposes, from building construction to the manufacturing of consumer goods. Many occupations are at a high risk of asbestos exposure, including people serving on U.S. Navy ships.
Mesothelioma is a rare cancer that is caused by exposure to asbestos particles. While the malignant form of mesothelioma is not curable, treatment can prolong life and make the symptoms easier to bear.
At Wallace & Graham, P.A., we represent mesothelioma victims throughout Virginia, including people living in Richmond, Virginia Beach, Chesapeake, Newport News and surrounding areas. We also handle claims for clients throughout the Southeast and nationwide.
Contact our Virginia mesothelioma lawyers to discuss your possible personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. We offer a free consultation at 800-849-5291.
Mesothelioma is sometimes mistakenly called lung cancer. It is actually a cancer of the linings around the lungs and adjacent organs.
It can take up to 50 years for the symptoms of mesothelioma to be diagnosed. Once diagnosed, however, the disease works quickly. The average life expectancy after diagnosis is 18 months. An experienced mesothelioma attorney can help to identify the cause of the disease, and pursue compensation from liable parties.
Our clients include people who were employees at power plants, shipyards, factories and other Virginia job sites, and have been exposed to asbestos. U.S. Navy veterans in Virginia are also at risk, as many naval vessels contained high concentrations of asbestos.
Our Virginia mesothelioma attorneys are committed to connecting clients to the medical care they need to improve their quality of life and give them more time. We are also committed to helping clients recover fair and just compensation for the losses they have suffered due to mesothelioma.
Contact us today for a free consultation and case evaluation. Our practice is equipped to help clients statewide in Virginia, North Carolina, throughout the Southeast and nationwide.
In handling Virginia mesothelioma cases, our asbestos litigation attorneys work to identify the source of asbestos exposure, in order to identify liable parties and help our clients qualify for workers’ compensation and other benefits.
Partners Bill Graham and Mona Lisa Wallace have nearly 40 combined years in mesothelioma litigation, supported by a dedicated team of experienced lawyers, paralegals and support staff.
We have tried cases throughout the U.S. and tried cases against some of the largest corporations in the world. If you or a loved one has suffered due to asbestos exposure, our attorneys are here to help you explore your legal options.
Our No. 1 concern is ensuring that clients get proper diagnosis and timely medical treatment.
Call 800-849-5291 or contact us online for your free case evaluation. We represent clients from Virginia, North Carolina, throughout the Southeast and nationwide.