Sumter, SC Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Sumter, SC Mesothelioma Attorney

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is natural to wonder how this disease developed, whether any other party is responsible, and what you can do about it. An experienced Sumter, SC mesothelioma lawyer can answer your questions, help you determine whether you have any grounds for legal recourse, and guide you through the process of securing compensation for you and your family’s damages.

best sumter sc mesothelioma lawyer

Legal Representation for Mesothelioma Claims in Sumter, SC

For decades, thousands of people working all throughout the state were exposed to asbestos at work and within various types of residential and commercial buildings. Asbestos was used primarily for insulation and fire prevention, and it was an important raw material for many other types of manufacturing. This means that countless people were exposed to a cancer-causing substance without knowing the dangers for years.

Many companies in Sumter and surrounding areas were forced to cease operations or pivot to new business models once the risks of asbestos became clear. Today, thousands of people throughout the United States file mesothelioma claims due to the exposure they experienced years prior. Wallace & Graham, P.A., focuses on mesothelioma cases, which many other attorneys simply refuse to take because of their inherent complexity.

We can help you determine whether you have grounds to pursue a personal injury suit, file a workers’ compensation claim through your employer, or file a claim to a mesothelioma injury trust set up by a company whose products caused asbestos exposure years ago. Whatever your case requires, you can rest assured that our team will do everything we can to maximize your recovery as efficiently as possible.

Building a Mesothelioma Claim in Sumter

One of the most difficult aspects of pursuing any type of mesothelioma claim in the state is proving the exact cause of your diagnosis. You must determine when and where you were exposed, and due to the long incubation period of the disease, it is possible that you were exposed years, if not decades, in the past. Your Sumter, SC mesothelioma lawyer will know what records you will need to review to accurately determine the cause of your condition.

After confirming the source of your asbestos exposure, your attorney can then determine whether any other party is liable. If so, you may have grounds to file a personal injury suit. If the company responsible for your condition is no longer in business and they have created a mesothelioma injury trust, these trusts continue paying out compensation to thousands of claimants a year, and your attorney may help you file your own claim.

It is also possible to pursue workers’ compensation benefits if you were exposed to asbestos on the job, and if you lost a family member due to work-related asbestos exposure, death benefits from the employer’s insurance policy may be a valuable source of recovery. Ultimately, you may not only have multiple legal options for recovering compensation for mesothelioma, but these options could also be far more challenging than you initially expected.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., is ready to help you develop a comprehensive mesothelioma claim in Sumter, SC. Our firm has successfully resolved many mesothelioma claims throughout the state and knows the challenges you might encounter with your own case. With our help, you can approach the situation with confidence and peace of mind and have the greatest chance of maximizing your recovery.

Sumter, SC Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: How Does Asbestos Cause Mesothelioma?

A: Asbestos causes mesothelioma when asbestos fibers enter the body, typically through respiration. Asbestos fibers are very small, sharp, and light, able to remain suspended in the air for a long time where they may be inhaled. Once inhaled, the fibers embed in the tissues of the lungs where, over time, they will cause mesothelioma to form. This disease has a very long incubation period before noticeable symptoms develop.

Q: Is Mesothelioma Curable or Treatable?

A: Mesothelioma is not curable, but the symptoms are treatable, and it is possible for a person diagnosed with mesothelioma to manage their symptoms and preserve their quality of life with appropriate medical care. However, the diagnosis is terminal in all cases, and once symptoms have risen to a disruptive level, it usually indicates the disease has reached a critical stage. Life expectancy can vary from months to years at this point for most patients.

Q: Can I Claim Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Mesothelioma?

A: Yes, it is possible to claim workers’ compensation benefits for mesothelioma, but you must be prepared to prove that your diagnosis was the direct result of performing your job duties. Most employers throughout the state are legally required to have workers’ compensation insurance, and this insurance can apply to any work-related injury or illness. You must prove how, when, and where you were exposed to asbestos to file a claim.

Q: What Compensation Can I Claim for Mesothelioma?

A: The compensation you could claim for mesothelioma will typically include repayment of all related medical expenses, compensation for anticipated future medical treatment costs, repayment of your lost income, and compensation for lost future earning capacity. You also have the right to seek compensation for pain and suffering. If you lost a loved one to mesothelioma, your attorney could explain what types of damages you may be able to recover.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Sumter, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Sumter, SC mesothelioma lawyer will depend on the lawyer’s billing policy. At Wallace & Graham, P.A., we only charge our clients a fee if and when we win their case. This contingency fee policy makes legal counsel more accessible to those who need it most, regardless of their financial situation. There are no upfront attorneys’ fees with this policy and no fees at all if there is no recovery for the client.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., has extensive professional experience handling complex mesothelioma claims for clients in Sumter and throughout the state. If you are unsure whether you have grounds for a claim, it is important to consult a Sumter, SC mesothelioma lawyer as quickly as possible to discuss your options. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team and learn more about the legal services we offer.