South Carolina Chemical & Power Plant Worker Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

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South Carolina Power/Chemical Plant Worker Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure Attorney

Mesothelioma is an aggressive form of lung cancer with a single cause: asbestos exposure. This substance was widely used in many industrial applications throughout the United States for many years until the health risks associated with asbestos exposure became apparent. If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma after working in a chemical factory or power plant, a South Carolina power plant asbestos exposure lawyer can help you recover.

Representing Mesothelioma Claims for Chemical and Power Plant Workers

While numerous job sites have put workers at risk of asbestos exposure, chemical and power plants are especially dangerous. People working at chemical and power plants throughout South Carolina have developed mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases due to being exposed to asbestos on the job.

If you or a loved one suffers from mesothelioma in South Carolina, the attorneys at Wallace & Graham, P.A. are here to stand up for your rights. We have a proven record of success obtaining results for asbestos victims and their families from South Carolina and across the nation.

Contact our South Carolina mesothelioma lawyers to discuss your possible personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit. We offer a free consultation at 800-849-5291. During your initial consultation with our team, we can review the details of your condition and help determine your most viable options for legal recourse. The sooner you reach out to our firm, the more time we have to prepare your case.

South Carolina Asbestos Exposure Sites

Our clients include people from all walks of life and a variety of professional backgrounds. Many have suffered due to asbestos exposure at South Carolina chemical and power plants such as:

  • Allied Chemical, IrmaAtomic Energy Plant, Aiken
  • Barnwell Nuclear Plant, Barnwell
  • Canadys Power Plant, Canady
  • Celanese Power Plant, Rock Hill
  • Duke Power House, Pelzar
  • Dupont Chemical Plant, Camden
  • Monsanto Chemical Plant
  • Greensboro Oconee Nuclear Plant, Oconee
  • South Carolina Electric & Gas, Monks Corner
  • South Carolina Power & Light, Georgetown
  • Stauffer Chemical Plant, Anderson
  • Union Carbide, Florence

Many older power plants and chemical factories throughout the state were constructed using asbestos for its insulation and fireproofing capabilities. Throughout the 1950s, ’60s, and ’70s, many people working throughout the United States in such facilities were unknowingly exposed to asbestos, and due to the very long incubation period of mesothelioma, many developed this disease decades after exposure.

One of the most challenging aspects of asbestos exposure claims is the fact that mesothelioma takes a very long time to manifest noticeable symptoms. Some victims are diagnosed as soon as 10 years following exposure, while others are not diagnosed until 30, 40, or even 50 years after exposure. You need an experienced power plant asbestos exposure lawyer to help determine exactly when your exposure occurred and identify the party responsible.

Mesothelioma is a very aggressive form of lung cancer that only develops from asbestos exposure. The condition is fatal, but proper treatment can extend life and alleviate symptoms. If you or a loved one worked in a chemical factory or power plant known to have contained asbestos and have developed early signs of mesothelioma, our firm can help prove that your exposure in the facility caused your current condition.

However you were exposed to asbestos, it is important to consult with an attorney who is familiar with mesothelioma litigation in South Carolina. Our attorneys have extensive experience in this area and can help you pursue full and fair compensation for your losses.

Can I Claim Compensation for Asbestos Exposure?

Many companies throughout the United States used asbestos in the past due to its fireproofing capabilities, and the substance was previously hailed as a critical industrial material in various work environments, especially power plants and chemical factories. Over time, the dangers of asbestos exposure became more apparent, and the substance has been banned from use in most applications.

However, many companies have continued to operate in buildings made with asbestos, knowingly putting their employees at risk of developing mesothelioma. If you can prove that an employer knowingly operated their business in a facility with an asbestos hazard, a power plant asbestos exposure lawyer can help you hold them accountable for all related damages.

You could be entitled to claim more compensation than you may initially expect, and working with a seasoned legal team is the optimal way to enhance your total recovery from a successful mesothelioma claim. This type of case is a particularly serious personal injury claim that can involve extensive immediate and future damages.

  • Once you prove fault for your diagnosis, the defendant will be liable for all medical care you will need for treatment of your condition. Mesothelioma is ultimately fatal, but with proper care, the victim’s symptoms can be mitigated and their suffering alleviated. However, the medical care required is very expensive and continues for the rest of their life.
  • Your diagnosis has likely prevented you from working, and if so, the defendant becomes responsible for the income you have been unable to earn. You also have the right to claim lost future income. Most people diagnosed with mesothelioma cannot return to work in the future because of their symptoms, so your attorney can help you seek compensation for the lost earning potential resulting from your diagnosis.
  • South Carolina law enables a plaintiff to seek compensation for their pain and suffering, and the state does not enforce any cap or limit on the amount the plaintiff may claim. Your power plant asbestos exposure lawyer can help calculate a reasonable amount that reflects the severity of your experience. For many plaintiffs in asbestos exposure claims, pain and suffering account for most of their case awards.

Ultimately, the right attorney on your side can have a tremendous positive influence on the total compensation you secure for your asbestos exposure claim. While the average person may be able to account for noticeable economic losses like their medical bills and lost income, calculating the full extent of their claimable damages is far more challenging. This is especially true when it comes to determining appropriate pain and suffering compensation.

It’s possible to recover some compensation for a mesothelioma diagnosis through workers’ compensation. South Carolina law requires almost every employer to have workers’ compensation insurance that will cover any work-related injury or illness. If you acquired your condition from your current job, a workers’ compensation claim may offer some expedient financial compensation, but it is unlikely to cover the full extent of your damages.

Pain and Suffering Compensation in South Carolina Mesothelioma Claims

Because state law does not enforce a cap on pain and suffering compensation, the plaintiff may seek as much as they believe to be reasonable. Mesothelioma not only causes intense physical pain and symptoms that disrupt the victim’s everyday life in various ways, but it is also psychologically traumatic. Mesothelioma is, by definition, a terminal illness, and the victim can have a great deal of trouble coming to terms with the fact that their condition is fatal.

When you choose Wallace & Graham to represent your mesothelioma exposure claim, our firm will carefully review the details of your situation and assist you in maximizing the compensation you obtain for your pain and suffering. The purpose of this aspect of your case award is to compensate your physical suffering as well as the loss of enjoyment of life you have experienced, and we will aim to help you recover as much compensation as possible.

How Do I Prove That I Was Exposed to Asbestos?

Before you will be able to recover compensation for your asbestos exposure claim, you must prove how you were exposed, where the exposure occurred, and identify the party or parties responsible for your exposure.

When a business owner takes over an older property, they are expected to perform various health and safety inspections, including inspection for any lingering traces of asbestos. If an employer failed to perform these required checks, or if they performed them but did not take appropriate steps to eliminate risks presented by leftover asbestos-containing materials, they face liability for any resulting exposure to their employees.

A South Carolina power plant asbestos exposure lawyer can help their client recover building records and other evidence needed to prove the source of the victim’s asbestos exposure. Once you have identified the party or parties responsible for your medical condition, you can proceed with claiming compensation for your damages.

What Is the Average Settlement for Asbestos Exposure?

It’s natural for anyone filing a mesothelioma claim to wonder how much compensation they can potentially win from a successful case. Based on the last several years of case records, the average settlement for an asbestos exposure claim can be in the millions of dollars.

Remember that your case award will not only reflect the entire extent of economic losses you experienced from your asbestos exposure but also your pain and suffering. State law does not place a limit on pain and suffering compensation in most personal injury claims, so if a plaintiff has been diagnosed with a terminal condition like mesothelioma, they are likely to obtain a substantial amount of pain and suffering compensation from their claim.

Your power plant asbestos exposure lawyer can help review the full spectrum of economic effects your diagnosis has had on your life and assist you in uncovering every avenue of compensation available to you in your claim. The team at Wallace & Graham excels at resolving complex mesothelioma claims, and we have successfully helped many past clients recover far more compensation than they originally anticipated.

Settlement Versus Litigation for Mesothelioma Claims

The majority of personal injury claims filed do not go to court. When a defendant is clearly liable for a plaintiff’s damages and the plaintiff has experienced legal counsel representing them, it is typically in the defendant’s interests to seek a swift settlement. The settlement negotiation process is private, unfolds at the convenience of the parties involved, and allows all parties to have more influence over the final outcome.

Once you have submitted your mesothelioma claim to the court, your case may go one of two possible ways. First, the defendant could accept liability and agree to engage in settlement negotiations. Second, the defendant may deny liability and demand a trial. Settlement is the preferred option for resolving most civil claims for damages due to the time, stress, and expense it can save both parties, but litigation is unavoidable in some claims.

Your power plant asbestos exposure lawyer can help develop a compelling complaint that encourages the defendant to seek settlement as quickly as possible, shortening the time it takes for you to recover your losses. However, should litigation be necessary, you will need experienced legal counsel on your side to guide you through your courtroom proceedings.

During a civil trial, the judge overseeing the case will consider evidence, testimony, and arguments presented by both sides before making a final decision. The judge will determine liability for the damages cited in the claim, and they will also determine the extent of compensation owed to the plaintiff, if any. Do not assume that litigation would work out better, as there is no way to tell whether the judge will sympathize with your position.

Ultimately, most civil claims for damages are resolved through private settlement negotiations, as this process benefits all parties involved. If you choose Wallace & Graham to represent your mesothelioma claim, we will aim to settle your case as quickly as possible, but if litigation is necessary, you can rely on our team to represent you in the courtroom.

What to Expect From Your South Carolina Power Plant Asbestos Exposure Lawyer

Wallace & Graham know how devastating a mesothelioma diagnosis can be for the victim and their family and the many pressing legal questions it can raise. You’re likely to face a great deal of uncertainty and distress after a mesothelioma diagnosis, and it is natural to wonder about your options for legal recourse and recovering compensation. Our team has the skills, resources, and experience needed to manage the toughest claims on behalf of our clients.

When you hire our firm to represent your asbestos exposure claim, we can immediately begin helping you gather the evidence needed to firmly establish liability for your condition. We can investigate any previous employers and workplaces you may believe caused your condition, carefully review building records, similar claims from past employees at the same facilities, and even consult expert witnesses if necessary to build your case.

Once we have proven the root cause of your condition, we can help identify all the damages you can seek from the defendant. Mesothelioma is a terminal, incredibly painful, and disruptive medical condition, so it is vital that you know how to hold a defendant fully accountable for the entire extent of your claimable damages. Our goal for every client we represent is to enhance their case award as much as state law allows.

If you have concerns about the potential cost of hiring our firm to represent you, you do not need to worry about your attorneys’ fees amounting to more than the total compensation you win from your case. We take asbestos exposure claims on contingency, meaning our client only pays our fee if and when we win their case, and their fee is a percentage of the total compensation we recover on their behalf.

Contact Us

We handle mesothelioma litigation for clients from South Carolina, North Carolina, throughout the Southeast and the United States. Your case could take time to compile, and the sooner you reach out to a South Carolina power plant asbestos exposure lawyer, the more time your legal team has to work on your case. Contact us online or call 800-849-5291 for a free case evaluation with proven and compassionate South Carolina asbestos litigation attorneys.

South Carolina Mesothelioma Resources