North Carolina Talcum Powder Mesothelioma Lawyer

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North Carolina Talcum Powder Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure Attorney

Asbestos can be found in some naturally occurring talc. Those who mine, work with, and use talc or talcum powder may be exposed to asbestos fibers, which can cause harm and illness. Manufacturers have known about these dangers, but they have repeatedly failed to take the necessary precautions and measures to prevent or warn employees and consumers. If you or a loved one has developed an illness from talc exposure, talk with a North Carolina talc asbestos lawyer today.

Johnson & Johnson has known about the cancer-causing risks of talcum powder for more than four decades. They have done nothing to stop producing the products, and they have done nothing to protect the women who use their products daily. For decades, women have used baby powder and Shower to Shower regularly, completely unaware of the health risks associated with this part of their daily routines.

If you or a loved one has received an ovarian cancer diagnosis and believes the cancer may have been caused by using talcum powder, talk to our lawyers. Or, if you have developed mesothelioma from asbestos-containing talc products, reach out to us today.

Filing a legal claim for asbestos-contaminated talcum powder and talc products enables you to hold negligent parties responsible for their failings. It may also enable you to recover medical bills, lost income, and other financial losses caused by a developmental illness, such as mesothelioma or lung cancer. If a party is found liable for your illness, you have the right to recover all damages caused by that illness.

best north carolina talcum powder mesothelioma lawyer

Asbestos in Talcum Powder Lawyers in North Carolina

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed or has died from asbestos-related illnesses, including mesothelioma, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases, after years of talc or talcum powder exposure, you may have a valid basis for a legal claim. A product liability and personal injury attorney can help you investigate and determine your ability to file a claim.

At Wallace & Graham, P.A., in North Carolina, our attorneys provide experienced, well-researched and timely legal help to women and their families. Call us at 800-849-5291 to arrange a free case evaluation. We represent clients throughout the U.S. Our lawyers have more than 40 years of combined experience working on mesothelioma claims, including those related to contaminated talc and talcum powder exposure.

We have worked hard to fight for our client’s rights against negligent corporations, employers, and manufacturers that have failed to take care of the well-being of consumers and employees. Our team can investigate your illness and work with medical professionals to determine its likely causes. From that, we can build a strong product liability, workplace injury, or personal injury claim.

Read about a few of the recent verdicts on behalf of women harmed by Johnson & Johnson’s products. In addition to those harmed by negligent manufacturers of products, employees who make or work with these products can also be exposed. There may also be claims against negligent property owners or landlords who fail to properly warm or deal with asbestos on a property.

At Wallace & Graham, P.A., we know that it can be devastating when you or a loved one is diagnosed with a severe developmental illness. Our team wants to give you the support and care needed to fight for the compensation you deserve.

Talcum Powder Is Used in Everyday Products

Talc is a clay mineral containing hydrous magnesium silicate — and talcum powder is the loose, powdery form of talc. Naturally formed talc can often be found with asbestos. As a result, talc products and talcum powder can have asbestos fibers if the product isn’t carefully tested.

Asbestos is carefully regulated by state and federal agencies, but talcum powder that is used for cosmetics has no regulation. Not all talc contains asbestos, and manufacturers are expected to reduce the risk of asbestos. Because of the lack of regulation, it is easier for companies to get away with not testing their products and selling asbestos-contaminated talc products, including talcum powder.

Most people know talcum powder as Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder or Shower to Shower. Women have used these products for years upon years, potentially exposing themselves to the harmful talc particles that can travel through the vagina, uterus and fallopian tubes to the ovaries. Exposure to the talc particles has been scientifically linked to ovarian cancer.

While Johnson & Johnson is aware of the increased risk of developing ovarian cancer due to talcum powder use, they have not halted production, marketing or sales of the products. Innocent women have suffered needlessly. Families have watched their wives, mothers and sisters suffer due to Johnson & Johnson’s greed. We are committed to doing our part to put an end to this.

Is the Talcum Powder Claim Real?

Yes, there are many active legal claims against manufacturers of talcum powder for supplying asbestos-contaminated talcum powder. These claims are also based on the potential link between the use of talcum powder and certain developmental diseases. Asbestos has been proven to increase the risks of certain illnesses after exposure, and employees who mine or work with talc may be exposed to asbestos. Consumers who use contaminated talc products may also have an increased risk of disease.

The Dangers of Asbestos

Asbestos has been linked to an increase in cancer risk and causes other respiratory illnesses. It is most dangerous when ingested or inhaled, and talc or talcum powder that is contaminated by asbestos is often inhaled by consumers and miners of the substance. Long-term exposure to asbestos fibers is linked to the following illnesses:

  • Respiratory Illnesses: These include asbestosis, pleural plaques, and pleural effusion. These health issues are linked to long-term exposure to asbestos, and they cause scarring, build-up, and inflammation inside the lungs and in the fluid surrounding the lungs. These conditions can cause shortness of breath, pain when breathing, coughing, and other health issues. Over time, they can lead to an increase in a person’s risk of lung cancer and mesothelioma.
  • Lung Cancer: Any type of inhalation or ingestion of asbestos for extended periods of time can increase a person’s risk for lung cancer. The more fibers a person inhales or ingests, the higher their risk. Exposure is especially dangerous for employees who mine and transport raw talc.
  • Mesothelioma: Mesothelioma is a type of cancer cell that forms in tissues that line specific organs. These include a person’s lungs, heart, and stomach. The more exposure to asbestos inhalation and ingestion, the higher a person’s risk for mesothelioma. One of the dangers of mesothelioma is that it can take decades, up to 60 years, for it to develop after one’s first exposure to asbestos. This can make it harder for legal claims to be successful, as it is more difficult to prove the causation of talc and talc-based products for mesothelioma.

If you have been exposed to asbestos through consumer products, your work, or a place you lived, and you have been diagnosed with one of these linked illnesses, you should discuss your situation with an attorney.

Who Is at Risk of Asbestos Exposure?

Many industries used asbestos in prior decades, although many of them have removed asbestos from their work today. Employees who worked in certain industries are at a higher risk of asbestos exposure, including:

  • Construction industry workers, particularly those who work on old buildings, demolish structures, and work with plumbing, drywall, or masonry
  • Shipyard employees, especially those who work on repairing and maintaining old ships that still use asbestos
  • Steel workers who were exposed to asbestos from heat shielding
  • Power plant industry employees who worked with asbestos insulation and other products
  • Automotive employees
  • Textile industry employees

In addition to employees, their family members could also be exposed to asbestos. Employees can carry asbestos home on clothes and skin, increasing the risk for family members.

There are other reasons why individuals have an increased exposure to asbestos, including:

  • Military personnel before the 1970s were stationed in certain buildings and handled military equipment where asbestos was used.
  • Many people live in old homes and buildings that still contain asbestos materials in floors, walls, and roofing. These are dangerous, mostly when they are damaged or broken, which releases fibers into the air where they can be inhaled. Landlords and property owners should warn of risks or deal with these products.
  • Many women use certain talc-based products, including cosmetics and makeup. Baby powder, body powder, and makeup, such as eyeshadow, blush, and powder compacts, often contain talc and talcum powder. In recent years, these products have been found to contain asbestos. When consumers use these cosmetics regularly, they increase their risks of illness.

Who Qualifies for the Talcum Powder Claim?

To qualify for filing a talcum powder claim and potentially being able to recover damages, the following must be true:

  1. You were exposed to asbestos through talc or talc products.
  2. You were diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness or cancer.

Being able to prove a link between these two facts is important to a successful claim. Employers are responsible for creating a safe workplace for employees, and manufacturers are responsible for creating safe products for consumers. A claim must also be able to prove that these parties knew of the dangers and failed to address them or provide warnings to employees or consumers. When employers or manufacturers fail to take the expected care to prevent harm, they can be held liable for harm.

How Much Is a Talcum Powder Claim Worth?

Each individual claim value will differ based on the unique damages that you suffered. In a successful claim, you have the right to claim any damages, including:

  • Medical bills, including both past and future costs for treatment, long-term care, and physical therapy
  • Lost income if you missed work due to illness or doctor’s appointments
  • Lost earning capacity if your illness impacted your ability to do any gainful employment
  • Noneconomic damages, including pain and suffering, mental trauma, and loss of quality or enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death damages if you lost a loved one, including loss of income, loss of companionship, and funeral costs

An attorney can help you calculate your damages accurately and represent you in negotiations with an employer or manufacturer. If these parties are unwilling to provide you with the compensation you deserve, an attorney can bring your case to court.

What Is the Statute of Limitations on Asbestos in North Carolina?

A statute of limitations is the time limit that claimants have to file a civil claim for damages. For personal injury or product liability claims, this time limit is three years from the date the injury or illness occurred.

The timeline for asbestos exposure is complicated, as it can take decades for symptoms to show. The law of discovery may apply, which means that the countdown begins from the date an individual knew or should have known that they had an illness and that it was caused by asbestos exposure. It’s important to discuss your case with an attorney as soon as possible to determine if you are able to file a claim.

Does Talc Contain Asbestos?

The Link Between Talc And Asbestos

You’re probably aware of the dangers of asbestos. You know that it was once thought of as a safe, fire-retardant mineral, but now we know that long-term exposure can cause mesothelioma — a particularly deadly type of cancer.

You may have also heard of the dangers of talcum powder. In fact, you may have seen the recent news stories about the women who have been awarded hundreds of millions of dollars after developing ovarian cancer.

However, did you know that asbestos and talcum powder are sometimes connected? At Wallace & Graham, P.A. in North Carolina, we are well-aware of this fact. Our lawyers are also aggressive and caring advocates for people who have suffered from exposure to such toxic substances. Let us explain your rights and options today.

It’s In Products You Would Never Expect

Surprise! Talcum powder is simply a pulverized version of talc, a mineral that is often found in the same locations as asbestos. This means that many of the talc mines are contaminated with asbestos.

While we would all hope that manufacturers would test their products to make sure they are free from asbestos, the sad truth is that some manufacturers care far more about profit than about your health.

Our law firm has found asbestos-containing talcum powder in barber shops, in aerosol foot powders, in makeup kits marketed to little girls and in many other products.

Do You Have A Case? Contact Us And Find Out.

Learn more about the compensation you may deserve if you were injured by repeated exposure to talcum powder or asbestos. It costs you nothing to talk with an attorney in a free consultation. Call Wallace & Graham, P.A. in Salisbury at 800-849-5291. You can also contact us online.

Is Baby Powder Safe For My Baby?

What Parents Should Know About Baby Powder

If you have heard of the dangers of talcum powder (as evidenced by the hundreds of millions of dollars awarded to women injured by it), you may be asking if baby powder is safe for your baby. After all, if long-term exposure to talcum powder can cause ovarian cancer, what might this substance be doing to your vulnerable infant?

At Wallace & Graham, P.A. in North Carolina, we fully understand your concerns. With decades of in-depth experience in asbestos litigation, talcum powder lawsuits and other types of toxic exposure cases nationwide, our lawyers know firsthand how dangerous a seemingly “innocent” substance may be.

Here are a few important points to know about baby powder:

  • Many pediatricians tell parents to avoid using talc-based baby powders on their children. It’s too easy for babies to inhale the powder, which in turn can cause respiratory problems. In fact, the American Academy of Pediatrics has warned against using talc-based baby powders since the 1960s.
  • It’s possible that cheap versions may contain asbestos, in addition to crushed talc. Our firm has personally tested various talc-based products (mainly those imported from China) and found them to contain high levels of asbestos.
  • If you want to use a baby powder of some kind on your child, consider choosing one made from cornstarch. These days, many cornstarch-based products are available.

Leaders In Litigation Who Care About Your Situation

With almost 40 years of combined experience, partners Mona Lisa Wallace and Bill Graham lead a team of skilled attorneys, medical personnel and support staff. We are committed to helping clients get prompt diagnosis and treatment, as well as rightful compensation for their medical care, pain and suffering and other damages. We truly care.

Unfortunately, many victims never live to see justice served. We are equally dedicated in the pursuit of wrongful death suits to hold corporate entities accountable for their misconduct that needlessly exposed millions of Americans to the known dangers of talcum powder, asbestos and similar substances.

Learn More By Contacting Us Today

Learn more about the health risks associated with talc-based baby powders by contacting our law firm. The initial case evaluation is absolutely free. Call Wallace & Graham, P.A. in Salisbury at 800-849-5291 or contact us online. We care about you and your family.

Studies Linking Talc To Cancer

Which Studies Show That Talc Is Cancer-Causing?

At Wallace & Graham, P.A. in Salisbury, North Carolina, we are well aware of the fact that some scientific studies have linked the use of talcum powder in the genital areas with an increased risk of ovarian cancer. Our lawyers are strong advocates on behalf of women who have suffered unnecessarily pain and grief due to Johnson & Johnson’s failure to warn consumers about the potential danger.

Following are some of the studies that appear to show a casual connection between the long-term use of powdered talc and ovarian cancer:

  • Study in 2000 – The Journal of the National Cancer Institute stated that using talc in the perineal (genital) area has the potential to ” modestly increase” a woman’s risk of developing invasive serous ovarian cancer, which is the most common kind.
  • Studies in 2013 – The Cancer Prevention Research journal looked at eight different case-control studies. The journal reported that altogether, the eight studies indicate that women who use talcum powder as part of their hygiene routines may have a 20-30 percent higher chance of developing epithelial ovarian cancer.
  • Study in 2016 – The scientific journal Epidemiology reported the results of a case-controlled study that found talcum-powder regularly applied in the genital area could raise women’s risk of cancer by 33 percent.

Get The Answers You Need About Your Situation

Obviously, not every instance of ovarian cancer is a result of talcum powder use. However, scientific research implies that some cases are.

Is your or your loved one’s cancer a result of talc exposure? Find out. Call Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291, or contact our attorneys online to set up a free case evaluation. We will listen to the details of your situation and advise you about how to proceed. Don’t wait to talk with us.

Types of Ovarian Cancer

What Are The Common Types Of Ovarian Cancer?

At Wallace & Graham, P.A. in North Carolina, we are strong advocates for individuals nationwide who have suffered from ovarian cancer as a result of talcum powder products. We are also passionate about representing families who have lost loved ones in this way. Several studies link talcum powder to cancer.

Wherever you are in the U.S., you can contact us for a free case evaluation about your rights and options. Simply call us at 800-849-5291.

Epithelial Cancers

The epithelium is the name for the layer of tissue covering a woman’s ovaries. Cancer in the epithelium is by far the most common type of ovarian cancer, accounting for the vast majority of cases. Subtypes include:

  • Serous cell epithelial ovarian cancer, which can either be considered low-grade or high-grade and is the most common subtype
  • Endometrioid ovarian cancer, which is related to the membrane that lines the uterus (called the endometrium)
  • Mucinous ovarian cancer
  • Clear cell ovarian cancer
  • Unclassified ovarian cancer

Peritoneal Cancers

The peritoneum is a membrane that encapsulates and guards a number of organs in the abdomen area. In women, the peritoneum also surrounds their reproductive organs. Doctors find that out of the women diagnosed with ovarian cancer, the disease originates in the peritoneum in less than 10 percent of the cases.

While peritoneum cancer can spread and affect the ovaries, it can also develop in other parts of the peritoneum tissue.

Regardless Of The Type, Our Attorneys Are Here For You

Was your ovarian cancer caused by using talc-based products? It’s possible. We encourage you to talk with our lawyers in a free initial consultation. Call Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291, or contact us online.

Which Products Contain Talc?

Which Common Products Contain Talc?

Many different products on the market contain the mineral talc in various forms. Because the pulverized form of talc (called “talcum powder”) is so good at absorbing water and odors, and because its slippery properties reduce friction, it has a wide range of applications.

Here are some of the most common products that contain talc:

  • Body powder – Johnson & Johnson’s product called Shower to Shower is one of the best selling types of deodorizing body powder that contain talc. Many people have used this product to smell fresh and clean, little realizing that it could be causing irreversible harm.
  • Cosmetics – Talcum powder is a primary ingredient in many forms of makeup, including blush, eye shadow and powdered foundation. In addition, it is sometimes used along with mascara to produce the appearance of thicker eyelashes.
  • Baby powder – Over the years, many mothers have used talcum powder to reduce or prevent diaper rash. The powder keeps the baby’s bottom dry, which in turn prevents the rash. (Today, there are many nontalc options available.)
  • Dry shampoo – Talcum powder’s absorbent properties make it a popular way to absorb oils on the scalp. Likewise, it is sometimes used to deodorize dogs and other pets without the inconvenience of giving them actual baths.
  • Grease remover – Talcum powder can be sprinkled on grease stains on clothing. Once the clothing is washed, the stain typically disappears.

Talc is also found in certain kinds of ceramics, papers, plastics, foods, medicines and many other products. However, the powdered form of talc is the most dangerous, since the small particles can easily be breathed in or absorbed by the body. Studies link the substance to cancer.

Were You Harmed By A Product Containing Talc?

If you think that you or a loved one may have been harmed by baby powder or another product containing talc, don’t wait to consult one of our attorneys. Simply call Wallace & Graham, P.A. at 800-849-5291, or contact our North Carolina office online. The first consultation with one of our lawyers is absolutely free.

Why is Talcum Powder Dangerous?

What is Talcum Powder?

Talc is a type of mineral that is mined in various locations around the world. It is composed of three elements: magnesium, oxygen and silicon. Talc has the distinction of being the softest known mineral on the planet. Because it is so soft, it is easily crushed into powder called “talcum powder.”

Why is It Dangerous?

Talc deposits are often found near asbestos deposits, and some types of talc actually contain asbestos. This is a problem because asbestos exposure is well-known for causing the cancer mesothelioma, as well as other types of diseases.

Even talc that allegedly does not contain asbestos may still be dangerous. The concern is that the mineral may eventually lead to ovarian cancer if a woman uses it in her genital areas over a long period of time. The powdered particles may travel into the woman’s body and irritate her ovaries, causing inflammation and significantly increasing her risk of cancer.

If It Can Potentially Lead To Cancer, Why Is It Still Being Used?

Many women are still using talcum powder as part of their daily hygiene routines for at least two reasons. One, it helps them feel fresh and dry. The moisture-wicking properties of talcum powder make it useful for absorbing sweat and reducing body odor.

Two, product manufacturers such as Johnson & Johnson have done their best to suppress the possible link between talcum powder use and ovarian cancer. During recent trials, company documents have come to light showing that Johnson & Johnson undertook a deliberate campaign to discredit certain scientific studies and make it appear that their products were perfectly safe.

Learn more about what makes talcum powder dangerous, and what you can do if you’ve been injured by it. Call Wallace & Graham, P.A. in Salisbury, North Carolina, at 800-849-5291 or contact our lawyers online. Our attorneys can answer your questions and advise you of your legal options.

Let’s Talk About Your Unique Situation in a Free Consultation

Wallace & Graham, P.A., is ready to stand up for you and your loved ones who have developed ovarian cancer due to talcum powder use. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, lung cancer, or a non-cancerous respiratory illness, and you suspect that it was due to asbestos exposure in talc or talcum powder, we can help. We can fight for your justice and maximize the compensation that you can obtain in a claim.

We can explain your rights and discuss your options. Call our Salisbury office today at 800-849-5291 or contact us online to arrange a free consultation.