Many thousands of workers at power plants and petrochemical companies had substantial exposure to asbestos from the 1940s to 1970s. Fast forward to the present day, in which many of these same workers have developed mesothelioma, asbestosis or asbestos-related lung cancer.
The North Carolina lawyers of Wallace & Graham, P.A. offer sophisticated representation in mesothelioma claims throughout the United States against the industrial plant owners and product manufacturers who disregarded the dangers. Call for a free consultation at 800-849-5291 if your family member has symptoms of mesothelioma or asbestos disease and worked at:
The opportunities for heavy exposure to asbestos were numerous at fossil fuel and nuclear plants. Workers who tended the immense industrial boilers were in close contact with the lagging (heat insulating material). Production facilities had miles of water and steam pipes insulated with asbestos, exposing pipefitters and insulators. The turbines, pumps, valves and gaskets of the machinery were laden with asbestos for its fire retardant and sealing properties. Apparatus was commonly treated with aerosolized spray-on asbestos.
Employees at these plants had no protective clothing and tended the equipment by hand. Leaky pipes or bad valves were hammered, shaking loose the asbestos insulation and packing. Tubes were cleared of asbestos using compressed air. Anyone in the vicinity breathed the airborne, toxic fibers.
In mesothelioma claims, Wallace & Graham, P.A. has successfully sued both the power plants and equipment manufacturers. Many knew of the dangers — sometimes for decades — but failed to inform their workers, provide protective gear, mitigate the asbestos or switch products. We have the resources to trace the entire work history of your loved one, who likely worked at many different facilities. We seek compensation for the intensive medical treatment and damages for pain and suffering, lost income or wrongful death.
Contact our law office in Charlotte, North Carolina, to discuss our experience in this field. We provide a free case evaluation for mesothelioma and asbestosis claims.