North Carolina Mesothelioma Settlement Lawyer

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North Carolina Mesothelioma Settlement Attorney

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, it is natural to wonder whether you have any grounds to seek compensation for the diagnosis. If you do have grounds to file such a case, it is very likely that it will end in settlement, and the right attorney can help you settle for as much compensation as possible. A North Carolina mesothelioma settlement lawyer can provide guidance and support through all stages of your case.

best north carolina mesothelioma settlement lawyer

Experienced North Carolina Mesothelioma Settlement Lawyer

The attorneys at Wallace & Graham, P.A., have years of professional experience representing clients throughout North Carolina who have been diagnosed with mesothelioma. We guide our clients through the legal proceedings necessary for them to ensure accountability for those responsible for causing their medical conditions and securing compensation for their damages. In most cases, we secure fair settlements on behalf of our clients.

It May Be Possible to Settle Your Case Without Going to Court

In any civil case, it is possible for the case to be resolved through settlement or litigation. Generally, a settlement will be preferable to both parties as it can allow a defendant to minimize their legal fees while allowing the plaintiff to secure the compensation they need as quickly as possible. When a defendant is clearly liable for a plaintiff’s claimed damages, it behooves them to seek a settlement as swiftly as possible.

Our team will work closely with our clients to help them build a compelling case that encourages the defendant to seek a settlement. You can rely on us to help you determine the cause of your mesothelioma diagnosis, identify the party responsible, and show the full extent of the damages they must repay. However, in the event that a settlement is not an option, our clients can rely on our team to represent them in litigation.

How Does a Mesothelioma Settlement Work?

Settlement functions as a private negotiation process. Once a plaintiff has submitted their claim to the court and the defendant has been notified of the claim, the parties have the opportunity to meet privately and negotiate mutually acceptable terms for resolving the case while avoiding litigation. The North Carolina mesothelioma lawyers at Wallace & Graham, P.A., excel at settlement negotiations in mesothelioma claims and always aim to secure optimal results for our clients in North Carolina.

During settlement, the plaintiff, defendant, and their respective attorneys meet to discuss the case, and as long as both parties are willing to compromise, it is possible for them to resolve the case far more quickly than litigation would allow. However, it is possible that a defendant may deny liability and refuse to settle, or the parties may be unable to reach a compromise in their settlement negotiations, in which case they must proceed with litigation.

Generally, the stronger the plaintiff’s case, the more likely they are to be able to settle the case quickly when they have the right attorney on their side. Settlement can also benefit the defendant in this situation as the plaintiff may be willing to accept slightly less compensation than they may have won with a trial verdict in exchange for the expediency offered by the settlement negotiation process.

North Carolina Mesothelioma Settlement FAQs

Q: How Much Is a Mesothelioma Case Settlement?

A: The value of a mesothelioma case settlement in North Carolina depends on multiple factors. You may have grounds to claim compensation for medical expenses related to the condition, income you have been unable to earn or will be unable to earn in the future, and your pain and suffering. You may be able to pursue workers’ compensation benefits, a claim through a mesothelioma injury trust, or a personal injury suit, each with different compensation options.

Q: How Do I Prove Liability for My Mesothelioma?

A: In order to prove liability for mesothelioma in North Carolina, you will need to accurately determine when and where you were exposed. You may have grounds for a claim against a current or former employer, a property owner, a business, or other entity. Your attorney can help you review the documentation necessary to accurately pinpoint the source of your condition so you know who you can target with your legal efforts.

Q: Why Should I Hire a North Carolina Mesothelioma Settlement Lawyer?

A: You should hire a mesothelioma settlement lawyer because mesothelioma cases are inherently challenging in many ways. You need an attorney you trust to guide you through your proceedings and to help you secure the compensation you rightfully deserve. You are not only more likely to win your case with their help but also more likely to maximize the final settlement you obtain.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Secure a Mesothelioma Settlement?

A: The time required to secure a mesothelioma settlement varies greatly from case to case. If liability for your condition is clear and you have supporting evidence to prove fault and show the full extent of your damages, it may not take very long to secure a settlement. However, if your case is contested or there are other complex variables in play, a case could take several months or even more than a year to conclude.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a North Carolina Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a mesothelioma lawyer in NC will be a percentage of your final settlement if you choose Wallace & Graham, P.A., to represent you. There are no upfront costs for our representation. Instead, our firm will charge a percentage of the total settlement we secure for you, and only if we win your case. There is no cost if we are unable to obtain compensation for you.

An experienced North Carolina mesothelioma lawyer is the ideal asset to have on your side if you are seeking a settlement for your condition. Wallace & Graham, P.A., can not only work diligently to help you succeed with your claim but also help you resolve it as efficiently as possible. You have a limited time to build your case, so contact us today and schedule a free consultation with a North Carolina mesothelioma settlement lawyer.