North Carolina Air Force Veterans Mesothelioma Lawyer

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North Carolina Air Force Veterans Mesothelioma & Asbestos Exposure Attorney

Members of all military branches may come in contact with military aircraft. This is especially the case for members of the Air Force, whose work revolves around air operations. Air Force positions and occupations involving aircraft include:

  • Aerial gunners
  • Aerospace ground equipment maintenance personnel
  • Aerospace maintenance crew members
  • Aerospace propulsion specialists
  • Air battle managers
  • Air transportation personnel
  • Airborne operations crews
  • Aircraft maintenance officers
  • Aircraft structural maintenance personnel
  • Munitions systems specialists

Whether members of the Air Force serve during wartime or peacetime, those who work directly with aircraft have often been exposed to asbestos-containing materials and components. Gaskets, valves, heat shields and insulation are often made of or coated with asbestos. Aircraft brake linings often contain asbestos, putting aircraft mechanics particularly at risk.

Wallace & Graham, P.A. has ample experience in the area of veterans and mesothelioma. We have represented members of various branches of the armed forces, including Air Force members. If you or your family member was in the Air Force, and now anyone in your household has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, contact us. We can help uncover all sources of compensation for you, perhaps including one or more of the following:

  • A Veterans Administration (VA) benefits claim
  • A third-party claim against a manufacturer or other nonmilitary entity that bore responsibility for your asbestos exposure
  • A lawsuit against a private employer that you worked for after leaving the Air Force

Explore our website or call or email us to get an idea of our extensive experience and track record of successful outcomes.

best north carolina air force veterans mesothelioma lawyer

Ask Us About Asbestos Exposure in the Air Force and Mesothelioma Claims for Benefits

Based in North Carolina, our lawyers represent clients nationwide. Call 800-849-5291 or contact us online for a free case evaluation. Our skilled and caring mesothelioma attorneys will explain your rights and fight for you.