Study: Multiple cell mutations found in mesothelioma development

There is no question that mesothelioma is a horrible disease that can lead to a rapid, unpleasant death. When it is diagnosed it is often that much more difficult to handle because of the circumstances surrounding the development of the condition. In many cases those who are diagnosed with mesothelioma were unknowingly exposed to asbestos over a long period of time. It is fair to say that many facing the reality of having mesothelioma would have selected a different occupation had they been aware of the risks.

As is the case with most terrible diseases a great deal of time and money is put into trying to determine how the disease works. A recent study challenges some long held beliefs regarding how asbestos exposure leads to the creation of tumors. The study was published in Journal of Translational Medicine.

Specifically the study sought to determine whether malignant mesothelioma is monoclonal or polyclonal. The difference between the two is that while the mutation of just one cell prompts the development of a tumor in monoclonal situations, the growth of two or more mutant distinct cells are involved in polyclonal situations.

The results of the study indicate that contrary to what was previously thought, malignant mesothelioma is the result of a polyclonal cell line. This is important as it will likely have an impact on how the condition is treated.

Because of how this disease is generally contracted, it is not uncommon for lawsuits to be filed in connection with a diagnosis. In addition to seeking to secure damages for a client, a lawyer might also provide guidance regarding treatment options.

Fuente: BioMed Central, “Cancer from asbestos caused by more than one cell mutation,” Dec. 4, 2014