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U.S. military members exposed to high levels of asbestos

U.S. military members exposed to high levels of asbestos

We often discuss some of the people who are disproportionately exposed to asbestos on this blog. We have looked at some of the unique challenges that construction workers, plumbers and railroad workers face because of their increased risk of coming...

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Have we forgotten about the 9/11 workers exposed to asbestos?

Have we forgotten about the 9/11 workers exposed to asbestos?

The terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2011 have been widely regarded as one of the worst events in American history. But it was also a day that saw many heroic efforts by emergency responders and volunteers who rushed in to...

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Man claims employers failed to protect him from asbestos exposure

Man claims employers failed to protect him from asbestos exposure

When an employer knows that the work they are having an employee do could bring the employee into contact with asbestos, it is incredibly important for the employer to do everything they can to protect their employee’s health and safety....

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Descubren amianto en los techos de un instituto activo

Descubren amianto en los techos de un instituto activo

Aunque la siguiente historia no ocurrió aquí en North Carolina, las cuestiones que plantea en relación con el amianto son importantes para cualquier persona en cualquier estado. Recientemente se inspeccionó un instituto de Minnesota y se descubrió que había amianto en algunos...

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Victims of asbestos-related illnesses still suffering in Montana

Victims of asbestos-related illnesses still suffering in Montana

People in and around North Carolina should be aware by now that asbestos is a toxic and potentially lethal substance. Once it is inhaled or ingested, it can do catastrophic damage to a person’s lungs that may not even show...

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¿Debería ser más difícil presentar demandas por amianto?

¿Debería ser más difícil presentar demandas por amianto?

En nuestro último post, hablamos de las crecientes "pérdidas de la industria" que se están produciendo debido a las demandas relacionadas con el amianto. Sin embargo, gran parte de ese post - y, de hecho, el material fuente de ese post - estaba dedicado a la percepción demandas relacionadas con el amianto....

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Combination of treatments shows positive results for mesothelioma

Combination of treatments shows positive results for mesothelioma

Being diagnosed with mesothelioma can be devastating. It is caused by exposure to asbestos and may go undetected for decades. People who have this rare form of cancer often learn that the disease is slow to develop but can be...

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Aumentan las pérdidas de la industria por demandas contra el amianto

Aumentan las pérdidas de la industria por demandas contra el amianto

Según un nuevo informe de A.M. Best & Co. (una organización estadística), las pérdidas financieras sufridas por la industria estadounidense como consecuencia de demandas relacionadas con el amianto aumentaron en 2012 un 12%. Esto supone un cambio radical con respecto a lo ocurrido...

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Workers, residents face health risks of asbestos violations

Workers, residents face health risks of asbestos violations

Working in certain jobs can put employees at risk of developing serious work-related illnesses. This can be especially true for workers who have been exposed to asbestos on the job. For decades, it has been known that the mineral can...

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Man alleges that joint compound paste led to mesothelioma

Man alleges that joint compound paste led to mesothelioma

For decades, companies all across the country manufactured and sold products containing asbestos. While it has long been known that asbestos exposure can lead to serious and fatal illnesses, many of these companies kept this information under their hats. They...

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