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Wife sues 19 companies for her husband’s wrongful death

Wife sues 19 companies for her husband’s wrongful death

People may be exposed to asbestos without ever working in a job that directly exposes a person to asbestos. In some cases, a person can be exposed if a family member worked around the toxic material. It can be common...

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Arts center expansion halted over possible asbestos contamination

Arts center expansion halted over possible asbestos contamination

When we think of our local fine arts center, we imagine a beautiful painting or moving concert that we might have seen while visiting. Dealing with an asbestos contamination is probably not the first connection we make with a fine...

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Asbestos detected in wood chips

Asbestos detected in wood chips

Over the years, a town in Montana has suffered the devastating effects of asbestos exposure. The town has spent over $370 million on cleaning up the toxic materials, and the project is still years from completion. About 400 people have...

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Report: EPA exhibits unsafe techniques in asbestos removal

Report: EPA exhibits unsafe techniques in asbestos removal

The process of removing asbestos from a building can be very dangerous. The fact that asbestos can easily be disturbed and inhaled makes the protocol for the removal of it quite stringent. While many cases of personal injuries that are...

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Historic ruling in favor of asbestosis victim dismissed

Historic ruling in favor of asbestosis victim dismissed

The process of litigation can be quite emotional. When a person is also suffering from a fatal disease, it can be even more so. A man who has been involved in a dramatic lawsuit against his former employer has certainly...

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El amianto puede persistir en viviendas antiguas

El amianto puede persistir en viviendas antiguas

Las casas viejas no sólo abundan en North Carolina, sino en todo el país, y las sustancias utilizadas para construir esas casas tienen el potencial de causar enfermedades pulmonares y mesotelioma. Ahora, se está recomendando a los propietarios que comprueben su lugar...

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Un hombre demanda a 199 empresas por la muerte por negligencia de su padre

Un hombre demanda a 199 empresas por la muerte por negligencia de su padre

In previous posts, we have taken a closer look at industries in which people may be exposed to asbestos. When a person develops a fatal lung disease such as mesothelioma, an investigation may take place to determine where or how...

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Mesothelioma cancer research offers hope

Mesothelioma cancer research offers hope

A recently published research report offers hope to patients suffering from mesothelioma and other lung diseases which so often cause wrongful death. In it, cancer researchers from the University of Pennsylvania indicate that they have achieved a breakthrough in discovering...

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Improper disposal of asbestos violates federal Clean Air Act

Improper disposal of asbestos violates federal Clean Air Act

In past weeks, we have discussed those who have been victims of asbestos exposure on the job. Whether they are firefighters or construction workers, many people have developed lung cancer after being exposed to the toxic fiber, due primarily to...

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“Astronomical” levels of asbestos discovered in fire house

“Astronomical” levels of asbestos discovered in fire house

One of the industries where workers can be exposed to asbestos, a toxic fiber, is firefighting. Asbestos was commonly used in sulation and plumbing materials up until the 1980s so during a fire, firefighters can be exposed to a number...

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