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La demanda por amianto incluye a 134 demandados

La demanda por amianto incluye a 134 demandados

La exposición al amianto es un grave problema que afecta a trabajadores de todo el mundo. Aunque unos pocos elegidos pueden estar expuestos a la sustancia y a los ingredientes nocivos que contiene sólo durante un breve periodo de tiempo, la mayoría de los trabajadores que padecen mesotelioma...

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Mayor perspectiva de supervivencia para los pacientes con mesotelioma localizado

Mayor perspectiva de supervivencia para los pacientes con mesotelioma localizado

A pesar de que se sabe desde hace décadas que el amianto es tóxico y que puede provocar cáncer, la gente sigue padeciendo enfermedades y cánceres causados por las fibras transportadas por el aire. Trágicamente, las formas malignas de estos cánceres acaban siendo mortales...

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Man wins settlement for exposure to asbestos 50 years earlier

Man wins settlement for exposure to asbestos 50 years earlier

A 65-year-old man who worked as a shipwright trainee beginning when he was 15 recently won what he calls “significant compensation” after being diagnosed with mesothelioma. Saying workers were unaware of the dangers of asbestos exposure 50 years ago when...

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Report: Secondhand asbestos exposure more likely for women

Report: Secondhand asbestos exposure more likely for women

Asbestos exposure can cause any person to develop a life-threatening illness at any age. This exposure can cause diseases, such as mesothelioma and asbestosis, which can take decades to start showing symptoms. This means that victims who are currently facing...

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Asbestos in paper mills and the continuing threat of exposure

Asbestos in paper mills and the continuing threat of exposure

We have discussed that lingering threats of asbestos exposure that veterans of the U.S. Navy and construction workers have faced in the past several decades. However, there are other industries in which people worked that also pose a serious threat...

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Important reminders about the presence of asbestos today

Important reminders about the presence of asbestos today

Too many people think that asbestos is no longer an issue in today’s homes and products. They may think that because the dangers associated with asbestos were discovered decades ago, the fiber has been removed from the marketplace, banned and...

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Un trabajador enfermo terminal de amianto pide una indemnización

Un trabajador enfermo terminal de amianto pide una indemnización

Los trabajadores expuestos a productos químicos agresivos durante años pueden sufrir enfermedades graves como consecuencia de esa exposición. A uno de estos trabajadores, un hombre de 59 años de Cornualles (Reino Unido), le diagnosticaron mesotelioma el verano pasado y...

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Lawsuit brought alleging workplace asbestos exposure

Lawsuit brought alleging workplace asbestos exposure

Asbestos exposure in the workplace can be extremely harmful to workers. Such exposure can sometimes even result in a worker developing cancer. Thus, it is very important for companies to not engage in conduct which results in workers suffering asbestos...

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Niños utilizados para retirar amianto de un edificio

Niños utilizados para retirar amianto de un edificio

Recientemente, hemos hablado de los peligros de la exposición al amianto a la que se enfrentaron los hombres y mujeres del ejército durante décadas. Por desgracia, la gente sigue estando expuesta a esta fibra cancerígena, a pesar de los riesgos conocidos que conlleva. Permitir que la gente...

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Military veterans disproportionately affected by asbestos

Military veterans disproportionately affected by asbestos

We have discussed the various ways in which people all across the country may be affected by lethal exposure to asbestos. The fiber can be found in our homes, our cars and at the jobs we go to nearly every...

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