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Important reminders about the presence of asbestos today

Important reminders about the presence of asbestos today

Too many people think that asbestos is no longer an issue in today’s homes and products. They may think that because the dangers associated with asbestos were discovered decades ago, the fiber has been removed from the marketplace, banned and...

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Un trabajador enfermo terminal de amianto pide una indemnización

Un trabajador enfermo terminal de amianto pide una indemnización

Los trabajadores expuestos a productos químicos agresivos durante años pueden sufrir enfermedades graves como consecuencia de esa exposición. A uno de estos trabajadores, un hombre de 59 años de Cornualles (Reino Unido), le diagnosticaron mesotelioma el verano pasado y...

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Lawsuit brought alleging workplace asbestos exposure

Lawsuit brought alleging workplace asbestos exposure

Asbestos exposure in the workplace can be extremely harmful to workers. Such exposure can sometimes even result in a worker developing cancer. Thus, it is very important for companies to not engage in conduct which results in workers suffering asbestos...

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Children used to remove asbestos from building

Children used to remove asbestos from building

Recently, we have been discussing the dangers of asbestos exposure that men and women in the military faced for decades. Unfortunately, people are still being exposed to this cancer-causing fiber, despite the known risks associated with it. Allowing people to...

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Military veterans disproportionately affected by asbestos

Military veterans disproportionately affected by asbestos

We have discussed the various ways in which people all across the country may be affected by lethal exposure to asbestos. The fiber can be found in our homes, our cars and at the jobs we go to nearly every...

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Shipyard worker awarded compensation for asbestos exposure

Shipyard worker awarded compensation for asbestos exposure

Workers who were employed at shipyards were at an extremely high risk of being exposed to asbestos between the 1940s and the 1970s. Hundreds of thousands of shipbuilders were tasked with using asbestos as insulation and fireproofing in more than...

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Asbestos injury claims mounting; $11 billion more anticipated

Asbestos injury claims mounting; $11 billion more anticipated

Exposure to asbestos has caused devastating injuries and even death for thousands of people. There have already been payments from insurers on such personal injury and wrongful death claims in North Carolina and nationwide which have totaled $51 billion to...

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Threat of asbestos persists even after Navy ships retired

Threat of asbestos persists even after Navy ships retired

For decades, men and women in the U.S. Navy have been put in situations where they have been heavily exposed to asbestos. The toxic substance was used extensively in many areas of naval ships as a fireproofing method. Through the...

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Hurricane damage in schools causing asbestos, mold exposure

Hurricane damage in schools causing asbestos, mold exposure

Hurricane Sandy will continue to affect the communities along the east coast for years to come and in New York, parents complained about the conditions of a storm-damaged school. Investigators found that the parents had good reason to be worried...

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La importancia de identificar los síntomas del mesotelioma

La importancia de identificar los síntomas del mesotelioma

La trágica verdad sobre las enfermedades relacionadas con el amianto es que a menudo permanecen latentes durante décadas antes de que las víctimas empiecen a notar los síntomas. Cuando a muchas personas se les diagnostica mesotelioma y otros tipos de cáncer causados por el amianto, ya es demasiado tarde...

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