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US Steel fined $170,000 for exposing workers to asbestos

US Steel fined $170,000 for exposing workers to asbestos

An enforcement action by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) against US Steel Corporation has once again demonstrated that asbestos is still a major environmental health threat. Moreover, the outcome of the investigation shows that employers are...

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Many U. S. Navy veterans suffer from exposure to asbestos

Many U. S. Navy veterans suffer from exposure to asbestos

Many men and women in North Carolina who served in the U. S. Navy, Coast Guard or Merchant Marine, or who helped to build the country’s warships, have been denied a comfortable retirement because they were exposed to large amounts...

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Products in which asbestos can be found in NC

Products in which asbestos can be found in NC

Did you know that asbestos can be found in even the most common consumer products? Products made in the U.S. cannot legally be manufactured to contain asbestos; however, some products still remain use today that were manufactured before using asbestos...

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What is mesothelioma and what are the signs and symptoms?

What is mesothelioma and what are the signs and symptoms?

Many of our posts mention illnesses or diseases derived from the exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a disease that has afflicted thousands of residents in North Carolina. In this post, we will explain the symptoms of this disease and its connection to...

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Las reformas revelan la presencia de fibras de amianto en edificios públicos

Las reformas revelan la presencia de fibras de amianto en edificios públicos

Los graves riesgos para la salud asociados con el amianto han sido noticia durante más de 50 años, y algunas personas en North Carolina y en otros lugares pueden haberse vuelto complacientes y haber asumido que los riesgos han sido prácticamente eliminados. Nadie puede...

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How does asbestos make people sick?

How does asbestos make people sick?

Most people in North Carolina are aware that asbestos can cause a number of serious illnesses, but very few understand the way in which asbestos makes people sick and – in too many cases – kills them. In this post,...

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Crane Co. held liable for failure to warn of presence of asbestos

Crane Co. held liable for failure to warn of presence of asbestos

This blog has frequently noted the widespread use of asbestos in building materials, insulation products and valve and brake gaskets in North Carolina and elsewhere. The final product, i.e., the product sold to the consumer, may contain asbestos or an asbestos-containing...

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OSHA awards retaliation damages to janitor who reported asbestos

OSHA awards retaliation damages to janitor who reported asbestos

Employees in North Carolina and elsewhere who learn that asbestos is present on property owned by their employers are often reluctant to say anything for fear of being fired or suffering other forms of recrimination. A school custodian in Michigan...

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¿Qué es el mesotelioma y qué enfermedades puede causar el amianto?

¿Qué es el mesotelioma y qué enfermedades puede causar el amianto?

Es posible que haya oído la palabra amianto con frecuencia pero se haya preguntado qué enfermedades puede causar la exposición al amianto. La exposición al amianto puede causar diversas enfermedades que se dividen en tres grandes categorías de efectos negativos para la salud: cáncer de pulmón, asbestosis y...

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How lawyers fight the asbestos industry’s cover-up

How lawyers fight the asbestos industry’s cover-up

In our last two posts, we discussed the wide-spread attempts by the asbestos industry to hide from the public the truth about the health hazards of asbestos. In this post, we are going to show how aggressive lawyers who are...

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