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El hallazgo de amianto en una antigua fábrica preocupa al vecindario

El hallazgo de amianto en una antigua fábrica preocupa al vecindario

El amianto se conoce como una sustancia peligrosa que puede causar enfermedades y muertes relacionadas con el amianto a los residentes de North Carolina y a personas de todo el mundo debido a la exposicion al mismo. Aunque muchas personas sufren una...

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Las víctimas del amianto obtienen $25 millones de indemnización

Las víctimas del amianto obtienen $25 millones de indemnización

La mayoría de los demandados en casos de exposición al amianto son empresas privadas que extraían o utilizaban amianto en los numerosos productos que contenían este mineral peligroso. En cualquier caso, el estado de Montana acordó pagar $25 millones para resolver un...

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Redevelopment proposal stirs fears of asbestos

Redevelopment proposal stirs fears of asbestos

This blog has written repeatedly about how the redevelopment or demolition of older buildings stirs up fears of releasing asbestos fibers into the environment. In a large number of these projects, the asbestos is a component of pipe insulation, fireproofing...

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Mesothelioma: warning signs and treatment

Mesothelioma: warning signs and treatment

Three types of vascular diseases are associated with exposure to asbestos fibers: asbestosis, mesothelioma and lung cancer. Of the three, mesothelioma is the one most likely to be fatal. In this post, we will examine the warning signs for mesothelioma...

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Study shows pre-adolescent asbestos exposure causes lung damage

Study shows pre-adolescent asbestos exposure causes lung damage

Even though the health hazards of exposure to asbestos fibers have been the subject of many scientific studies, the subject is still prompting additional research. A new study concerning the exposure to asbestos fibers during the pre-adolescent years demonstrates again...

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Proving the source of asbestos in a product liability case

Proving the source of asbestos in a product liability case

People who believe that they may have been exposed to asbestos often wonder how the sources of the asbestos can be determined. After all, asbestos was produced and used by a large number of companies before the health risks became...

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Medical procedure can measure asbestos exposure and disease risk

Medical procedure can measure asbestos exposure and disease risk

One of the principal difficulties in treating people for asbestos exposure and asbestos-related diseases such as mesothelioma is the long time that elapses between initial exposure and the appearance of active symptoms. The length of time necessary to find active symptoms of...

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Quebec town tries to leave name in the past

Quebec town tries to leave name in the past

This blog has told many stories about victims of asbestos and of the diseases that it causes, but one victim is struggling to survive a different kind of illness: the effects of its name. Much of the asbestos that has...

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Indemnización en caso de muerte en el trabajo

Indemnización en caso de muerte en el trabajo

Para algunos trabajadores de North Carolina, es necesario trabajar en un entorno de alto riesgo. Aunque no siempre es seguro para la salud y el bienestar de algunos empleados, trabajar en estas industrias es importante para la sociedad. Además, pueden...

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Una víctima de mesotelioma gana un recurso de apelación

Una víctima de mesotelioma gana un recurso de apelación

A recent post on this blog explored the topic of take home liability for illnesses caused by exposure to asbestos-containing products. Take home liability refers to claims for asbestos product exposure made by persons who were exposed to asbestos fibers...

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