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Proseguirán las demandas colectivas contra fabricantes y distribuidores de Zantac

Proseguirán las demandas colectivas contra fabricantes y distribuidores de Zantac

Varias empresas farmacéuticas intentaron recientemente que se desestimaran las demandas colectivas contra ellas relacionadas con Zantac. Sin embargo, un juez de distrito falló a favor de los demandantes, que afirman haber sufrido daños debido a los ingredientes cancerígenos del Zantac. La sentencia...

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Smart Mesothelioma Therapy Shows Promising Results

Smart Mesothelioma Therapy Shows Promising Results

Perhaps your loved one put in 20 or more years on the job and was looking forward to retirement. Things might have even been going well to start, until symptoms of illness began to arise. Like many North Carolina families...

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Finding asbestos during home renovations

Finding asbestos during home renovations

Simple home renovation projects rarely turn out to be simple. If your home improvement plans uncovered the existence of asbestos in your walls, ceiling, floors or other areas, your project might have come to a screeching halt while you evaluated...

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Caring For A Loved One With Asbestos Injury

Caring For A Loved One With Asbestos Injury

Your loved one might have contracted a terminal illness a decade or more before anyone realized that he or she was sick. Asbestos exposure on a North Carolina job site, in a home or elsewhere often results in mesothelioma or...

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Difficult Choices After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

Difficult Choices After A Mesothelioma Diagnosis

The suspicions of your doctor that you may have mesothelioma can be a crushing blow for you and your entire family. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is seldom diagnosed until it is quite advanced. The results of such...

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North Carolina Navy Members At Risk For Mesothelioma

North Carolina Navy Members At Risk For Mesothelioma

Like many North Carolina residents, you or one of your family members may have served in the U.S. Navy or other branches of the armed forces. Depending on what your duties were, you may have been exposed to asbestos on...

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Mental health and your mesothelioma diagnosis

Mental health and your mesothelioma diagnosis

A cancer diagnosis will change your life. Mesothelioma is one of the gravest types of cancer you can get, and this will take a toll on you as well as every member of your family. This disease will impact your...

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Los fabricantes de Zantac ofrecen un producto nuevo y mejorado

Los fabricantes de Zantac ofrecen un producto nuevo y mejorado

Hace más de un año que la Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos de EE.UU. retiró del mercado todos los medicamentos que contenían ranitidina, incluidas las formas de venta con y sin receta de Zantac. Es posible que haya tomado Zantac para controlar la acidez estomacal o los síntomas de reflujo ácido....

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Cuidado con los peligros de Zantac en los niños

Cuidado con los peligros de Zantac en los niños

¿Es usted uno de los muchos padres de North Carolina y de todo el país cuyo hijo padece la enfermedad por reflujo gastroesofágico (ERGE)? Nada puede mantener a un niño despierto por la noche con más incomodidad que un caso grave de ERGE. Tal vez...

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Ships still carrying deadly asbestos

Ships still carrying deadly asbestos

If you or a loved one works on or around ships in the Carolinas, across the country or internationally, you may feel grateful that regulations prevent the use of materials containing asbestos on ships. You may be like many who...

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