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Popcorn ceilings often contain asbestos

Popcorn ceilings often contain asbestos

Popcorn ceilings fell out of favor, but they were commonplace in buildings built or renovated from the 1950s to the 1980s. Also known as stucco or acoustic, builders especially liked these textured ceilings that hid imperfections and offered a certain...

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¿Cuáles son las opciones de tratamiento del mesotelioma?

¿Cuáles son las opciones de tratamiento del mesotelioma?

A diagnosis of mesothelioma can be devastating. This type of cancer is aggressive, and you may find yourself asking difficult questions about your life expectancy and how you can take care of your loved ones after you pass. While this...

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El mesotelioma es una enfermedad progresiva

El mesotelioma es una enfermedad progresiva

If you have ever had the flu or even a bad cold, you may have been immediately aware of your illness because of symptoms your body was exhibiting. For either of these illnesses, such symptoms might have included a runny...

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Medidas que debe tomar si cree que ha estado expuesto al amianto

Medidas que debe tomar si cree que ha estado expuesto al amianto

The years you toiled in your job in construction made you proud, despite the toll it has taken on your body. However, now, late in your career, you discover that another threat – one that you had little knowledge about...

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¿Sus medicamentos ocultan riesgos de cáncer?

¿Sus medicamentos ocultan riesgos de cáncer?

Evitar las toxinas parece cada vez más difícil. Incluso en el bello estado de North Carolina, el aire y el agua transportan elementos tóxicos. Incluso algunos alimentos que usted considera saludables pueden contener sustancias que no consumiría a sabiendas. Sin embargo, en...

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No ignore estos signos precoces de cáncer de pulmón

No ignore estos signos precoces de cáncer de pulmón

Your health is one of the most valuable and precious gifts you have, and you know how important it is to take care of yourself. This means remaining vigilant of signs and symptoms that may indicate you have an underlying...

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Estos 8 trabajos presentan un alto riesgo de mesotelioma

Estos 8 trabajos presentan un alto riesgo de mesotelioma

Whether you’ve been working at the same job in the Carolinas for decades or have been employed in various industries, you no doubt have always tried to stay safe in the workplace and while traveling to and from your job....

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Aumentan los niveles de carcinógenos en algunos medicamentos

Aumentan los niveles de carcinógenos en algunos medicamentos

Un diagnóstico de cáncer es devastador y puede cambiar el resto de su vida. Si ha recibido la noticia de su médico de que tiene cáncer, es posible que se pregunte qué factores podrían haber causado este diagnóstico o...

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¿Qué es el mesotelioma pasivo?

¿Qué es el mesotelioma pasivo?

Mesothelioma is a rare type of cancer that attacks the tissue that lines the patient’s organs. It is aggressive, deadly, and often tied to exposure to asbestos. Exposure can occur within the workplace. Research has linked asbestos exposure to many...

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Problemas hepáticos tras el uso de Zantac

Problemas hepáticos tras el uso de Zantac

Si en algún momento de su vida ha sufrido acidez estomacal o indigestión, sabrá lo incómoda que puede llegar a sentirse. En algún momento, si sus síntomas han sido persistentes o le han hecho sentirse mal, es posible que...

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