Archivo de categoría: Muertes relacionadas con el amianto

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State plans audit of site where asbestos cleanup stagnated

State plans audit of site where asbestos cleanup stagnated

In North Carolina and across the U.S., asbestos is a dangerous substance that was used in a variety of ways. When it is discovered, it must be cleared from the location in an appropriate manner. Unfortunately, that involves certain costs...

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Legal help for former military members exposed to asbestos

Legal help for former military members exposed to asbestos

There are many military veterans residing in North Carolina and those who served in branches that involve being stationed on a ship in years past might have been exposed to asbestos. Asbestos was a common substance used on ships and...

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Asbestos discovery from former factory worries neighborhood

Asbestos discovery from former factory worries neighborhood

Asbestos has become known as a dangerous substance that can cause North Carolina residents and people all around the world to become ill and suffer asbestos-related death due to exposure to it. While many people are afflicted with a fatal...

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Renovations reveal asbestos fibers in public buildings

Renovations reveal asbestos fibers in public buildings

The serious health risks associated with asbestos have been in the news for over 50 years, and some people in North Carolina and elsewhere may have become complacent and assumed that the risks have been virtually eliminated. No one can...

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$7 million verdict awarded in asbestos death case

$7 million verdict awarded in asbestos death case

North Carolina residents who worked in close proximity to asbestos-containing products, such as pipe fitters, plumbers and boiler installers, are generally thought to be the typical asbestos victim. Another class of victims is now emerging – wives who contracted an...

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Ex-Navy employee awarded $17 million in asbestos death case

Ex-Navy employee awarded $17 million in asbestos death case

In a case that will have echoes in the shipyards in North Carolina and elsewhere on the east coast, a jury in Arizona awarded $17 million to the family of a former civilian employee of the United States Navy who...

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Why does asbestos still pose a health hazard?

Why does asbestos still pose a health hazard?

Most people in North Carolina are aware that exposure to airborne asbestos fibers can cause a variety of serious illnesses, including mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. These same people also realize that asbestos was identified as a health hazard in...

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Danger of asbestos product exposure still lurks

Danger of asbestos product exposure still lurks

Despite decades of awareness in North Carolina, and elsewhere, about the health hazards created by the use of asbestos as a construction and insulation material, the mineral continues to pose problems for the owners of older buildings that are undergoing...

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Fight looms over so-called asbestos reform legislation

Fight looms over so-called asbestos reform legislation

Organizations that represent victims of asbestos exposure are beginning to organize opposition to a bill recently introduced in the United States Congress by two Republicans, Rep. Blake Farenthold of Texas and Sen. Jeff Flake of Arizona. The bill is touted...

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¿Un producto peligroso y defectuoso causó mi enfermedad?

¿Un producto peligroso y defectuoso causó mi enfermedad?

These days, it can be easier than ever to find the answers we are looking for online. When it comes to medical conditions, however, it can be difficult to sort through the information available to determine what is correct and...

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