Job-related cancers cause death to 8,000 workers in the UK

Asbestos-related illnesses are not isolated to jobs in the United States. Worldwide, the toxic substance is causing cancer and lung diseases. We have previously discussed that workers in certain dustries are much more likely to develop these diseases, but a recent study into exposición al amianto en el lugar de trabajo gives more insight into this troubling trend.

According to research recently calculated in the UK, nearly 8,000 people die every year from cancer caused by workplace exposure. The study showed that more men than women have died from occupation-related cancers. In the UK, the numbers are 8 percent and 2 percent respectively, though in the United States the numbers are closer to 10 percent and 4 percent. This is likely because historically, more men were employed in certain high-risk occupations like construction and on the railways.

Besides jobs that put workers at risk of being exposed to asbestos, the recent study lists other dangerous jobs that can lead to developing cancer. For example, night shift workers were common jobs associated with female breast cancer. Truckers were likely worried to learn that diesel fumes are classified as carcinogens.

In many states, cancers such as mesothelioma and asbestosis are automatically classified as occupational illnesses. In these cases, a person can file a workers’ compensation claim, and possibly a third-party lawsuit. If a person was a smoker, however, qualifying to workers’ compensation benefits may be difficult.

When it comes to occupational-related cancers and other diseases, it can be challenging to deal with all the insurance companies, doctors and third parties that may be involved. Working with an attorney can be a good way to ensure that a victim’s financial future is protected.

Fuente: Medical Daily, “Around 8,000 Cancer Deaths in UK Are Job-Related,” Amber Moore, June 20, 2012