Claiming damages from asbestos requires lawyers with experience

This blog has frequently noted that airborne fibers from asbestos-containing products continue to pose a health hazard both in North Carolina and throughout the country. These fibers are found in old building that are being renovated or torn down, in the shipbuilding industry and in buildings that have older heating systems. Most people are aware that asbestos once posted a serious health hazard, but few people realize that asbestos is still present in the environment and that people are still getting sick from asbestos exposure.

The causal link between asbestos and diseases such as mesothelioma and asbestosis can no longer be disputed. During the last 30 years, as more and more people recovered damages for asbestos-related disease, the companies who manufactured or used asbestos-containing products developed a number of defense strategies used to fight such claims. Many companies even filed bankruptcy as a means of stopping such claims.

In response to these tactics, attorneys who represent clients with asbestosis or mesothelioma have developed their own tactics for recovering damages in spite of the many defenses raised against them. As can easily be imagined, the success or failure of a claim for damages caused by asbestos exposure depends on the abilities and experience of the attorneys representing the claimants.

The lawyers at Wallace and Graham have vast amounts of experience in asbestos litigation. They know how to evaluate, investigate and prosecute claims for damage caused by asbestos exposure. The firm maintains an extensive data base of asbestos products, the manufacturers of such products and other sources of asbestos fibers. The firm knows how to identify most of the products that may have caused a person’s illness and the manufacturers of such products. The firm is also experienced in seeking damages in the bankruptcy court, the workers compensation system, and the asbestos trusts that have been established by some defendant companies. An initial consultation with one of the firm’s attorneys – for which there is no charge – may lead to the recovery of damages and at least partial compensation for the diseases caused by this mineral. For more information, please visit our Asbestos Litigation webpage.