Importante indemnización para la familia de una víctima de mesotelioma

North Carolina victims of amianto exposure and mesothelioma may be interested to know that a jury from another state granted a large settlement to a family. The jury awarded the family of a victim more than 18 million dollars, an amount that the family’s legal representation felt was deserved. This particular victim was exposed to asbestos and diagnosed with mesothelioma after years of working at a Goodyear plant.

Despite certain safety regulations set into place by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in 1972, the Goodyear plant still exposed workers to dangerous asbestos. The man worked at this plant for 30 years, and the jury found that the plant had been responsible for the man’s exposure to the substance. His particular job in the plant resulted in consistent exposure to asbestos while he was at work.

The man died from mesothelioma about one year after he was diagnosed. The family obviously suffered from emotional pain and duress, in addition to lost wages and economic damages. Part of the reason for such a large settlement may have been related to the fact that the plant ignored safety regulations set by OSHA. Representatives from Goodyear supposedly admitted that workers had a dramatically higher risk for asbestos exposure than workers in other environments.

Mesothelioma is a tragic diagnosis, originating from breathing in asbestos fibers. This unfortunate situation is an example of the rights of a family and/or victim seeking punitive damages for this exposure. After a mesothelioma diagnosis, North Carolina individuals should seek a case evaluation in order to fully understand if they, too, are eligible for financial compensation for pain and suffering.

Fuente:, “Family gets $18.6M Goodyear mesothelioma case”, Kenneth Dean, Sept. 8, 2014