Products in which asbestos can be found in NC

Did you know that asbestos can be found in even the most common consumer products? Products made in the U.S. cannot legally be manufactured to contain asbestos; however, some products still remain use today that were manufactured before using asbestos became illegal in 1989. Here are details on some of the products in which asbestos could be found and that could pose a danger to you and your family.

Asbestos is a naturally occurring mineral that has been proven to cause terminal illness such as mesothelioma or even cancer. In the home, there can be asbestos hiding behind the walls in the insulation or even in tiles or vinyl flooring. Asbestos can really pose a danger if it is disturbed and released into the air.

Since workers, especially manual laborers, can be subjected to a number of materials and conditions, it is very likely that one could be exposed to a product in the workplace that contains asbestos. Sound-proofing material has been known to contain asbestos as well as boiler insulation, packing material and other various items or materials.

Since asbestos exposure can take place unknowingly over years, it can be difficult to figure out exactly which product at what time could be responsible for illness or injury. It could be in an injured victim’s best interest to determine the answer to this question and seek a responsabilidad del producto claim.

Wherever or however the suspected asbestos exposure occurred, it is crucial to get to the bottom of the mystery. Doing so can give person peace of mind and the opportunity to seek compensation for injuries.

Asbestos is hard to detect but could very well be to blame for an injury or illness sustained at home or on the job. Most will never suffer from an asbestos-related injury, but for those that do, there is legal recourse.

Fuente:, "Products containing asbestos: Where is asbestos found?” Accessed Aug. 8, 2016