Asbestos being removed from 91 North Carolina schools

Folks across North Carolina often read about asbestos lawsuits in the news, and it can seem a little daunting to read about how many parties are usually named in these cases. Many times, there are dozens of companies named in a lawsuit because the fact is that many employers and corporations were negligent in protecting workers who came in contact with asbestos. The diseases that are suffered from this exposure can take years to diagnose so there is no way to tell which specific source of exposición al amianto may or may not be liable for causing a disease.

Despite all the challenges that victims of asbestos diseases may face during the legal process to hold negligent companies accountable, doing so can be critical. Not only can lawsuits get victims the compensation they may desperately need, but they raise awareness to the dangers of asbestos. This awareness can prompt some positive change in some vulnerable environments.

Recently, it was announced that 91 schools in North Carolina are going to be targeted for asbestos removal. So far, there have been no widespread complaints of exposure concerns, but the schools are taking proactive measures to protect the students and staff in the schools.

According to reports, most of the buildings contain asbestos in carpeting and floor tiling. If the asbestos is undisturbed, the risk of exposure remains relatively low. However, as buildings wear down and materials start to deteriorate, the chance of asbestos being released into the air becomes very real.

The schools will be replacing the flooring, monitoring the air quality and being careful to only complete work during periods of time when no one is in the building. These steps will be crucial in protecting workers and others from being exposed during the removal process.

This serves as a strong reminder that some parties are responding positively to the threat of exposure to asbestos, rather than trying to cover it up. This is certainly a positive change that has likely stemmed from the increasingly widespread discussion on the dangers of asbestos exposure.

Fuente: MyFox8, “Asbestos removal underway at some Guilford County Schools,” Carter Coyle, July 3, 2013