What products commonly contain asbestos?

Exposure to asbestos has long been known to cause various types of cancer, specifically mesothelioma. People who breathe in the airborne fibers can develop serious illnesses that are ultimately fatal. Mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer can be devastating for victims to cope with, and one of the first questions people may have is how and when they were exposed to such a deadly substance without knowing it.

Unfortunately, there are a number of common products that contain asbestos. For decades, asbestos was used widely because it was inexpensive and has fire-resistant qualities. That is why many products inside our homes, cars and office buildings contained asbestos. It can be important for North Carolina residents to know what some of these productos que contienen amianto are so that they can hopefully avoid exposure.

Asbestos can be in cars and other motor vehicles. Often, the fiber was used in areas that caused a lot of friction. This can include brake pads and brake linings.

In our homes and other buildings, asbestos can often be found in cement, pipes and plumbing, siding, shingles, roofing materials, insulation and floor tiles.

Asbestos can also be found in various types of materials including rope, tape, yarn, cloth, thread, blankets and some types of felt.

For decades, people who worked in factories and on jobsites where these and other asbestos products were used were often kept in the dark regarding the toxicity of asbestos. They were handling these products and using them in various projects without knowing that they needed to be protected from breathing it in because there were often no such instructions or warnings issued by negligent employers or manufacturers.

There are ways to trace a person’s professional and residential history back to potential sources of asbestos exposure with the help of an attorney. If this is done, people can be awarded compensation by the negligent party so that they can get the crucial financial support they require to cope with their illness and continue to take care of their families.

Fuente: Occupational Safety & Health Administration, “3292 Asbestos Products,” accessed on Oct. 7, 2013