Widow of mesothelioma victim files wrongful death lawsuit

The toll that asbestos can take on a person’s health can be unpredictable. Not every person develops a life-threatening illness from being exposed to asbestos and it can take decades for a person to even start showing symptoms. This is why it is crucial to take swift action against negligent parties when and if a person is diagnosed with an asbestos-related illness.

One of the most tragic traits of these illnesses is that they can be very aggressive. In many cases, a person passes away soon after a person is diagnosed with asbestosis, lung cancer or mesothelioma. This loss can be completely devastating to family members and many of them fight back against the party responsible for the asbestos exposure by filling a wrongful death lawsuit.

Recently, a woman did just this after her husband passed away after developing mesothelioma. The widow claims that her late husband worked in many jobs at which he was exposed to asbestos without being properly protected. She named five parties in her wrongful death suit. She is requesting that the companies compensate her for her tragic loss and for failing to provide a safe place for her husband to work. According to the lawsuit, the companies also did not adequately warn workers of the asbestos and did not provide employees with protective equipment or proper ventilation.

The widow is requesting that the companies be held financially responsible for her husband’s wrongful death. Her lawsuit is requesting damages related to physical and mental pain and anguish, physical impairment, total disability, medical bills, lost wages and earning capacity, funeral expenses, attorneys’ fees and loss of love and affection.

Money certainly cannot bring a loved one back. However, compensation can be very helpful to help family members and spouses cope with the economical toll a death can take on people. It can also serve as way to further punish the parties responsible for the negligent exposure.

Fuente: The Louisiana Record, “Wife sues over husband’s asbestos-related death,” Michelle Keahey, April 19, 2013