Asbestos claims need legal representation

People in North Carolina are still getting sick from exposure to asbestos fibers. These people probably worked in a shipyard or a military installation or were employed in the construction industry or energy industry where they were responsible for installing or repairing productos que contienen amianto. While working, they inhaled airborne asbestos fibers. The fibers lodged in the lining of the lung and, after 30 or 40 years, they are now causing the symptoms of either asbestosis or mesothelioma. Both diseases are severely disabling and, in most cases, fatal.

If you are one of these people, or know someone who is ill with asbestosis or mesothelioma, you should know that money damages can be recovered from the companies who used asbestos in their products. In order to pursue such a claim, however, hiring a knowledgeable attorney is a necessary first step.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., a North Carolina law firm, has successfully handled thousands of such cases over the last 20 years. The firm has obtained settlements and jury verdicts that have paid millions of dollars to their clients. The firm has made successful claims against the largest companies that have manufactured asbestos-containing products. As the result of this wide experience, the firm hassembled a data base of information about the manufacturers of asbestos products, the sources of the asbestos and the kinds of warning that were provided (or omitted) by these manufacturers.

The lawyers at Wallace & Graham understand the necessity of quickly and accurately evaluating a potential claim and ascertaining the source of the asbestos fibers. Once these questions are answered, the firm will make the proper type of claim in the proper type of forum, whether it’s a federal court or state workers’ compensation commission. The firm prides itself on treating each case individually and on providing particularized representation that takes into account the individual situation of every client.

Fuente: For more information, please visit our Responsabilidad por productos defectuosos página.