New study gives hope to mesothelioma victims

A new study of treatment results for abdominal cancer gives new hope to North Carolina residents. The study is based on twenty years of treatment data and gives hope to those who suffer from mesotelioma and other types of abdominal cancer. It was published by Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center, one of North Carolina’s pre-eminent cancer treatment hospitals.

The study focused on long-term cancer survival rates for persons treated with a combination of Hyperthermic IntraPeritoneal Chemotherapy and cytoreductive surgery. Cytoreductive surgery involves cancers where the entire tumor cannot be surgically removed. Instead the surgeon removes as much of tumor as possible. HIPEC is a treatment in which heated chemotherapy is injected into the patient’s abdomen during surgery to kill the remaining tumor.

The study found that overall survival rates for patients suffering mesothelioma and other forms of abdominal cancer increased to 29.9 months, with a five-year survival rate of 32.5 percent. The key finding, according to one of the researchers, is that long-term survival is now possible for victims of highly lethal forms of cancer.

Mesothelioma is a type of lung cancer that almost always arises due to the exposure to asbestos fibers. These fibers are usually airborne and undetected by the individual that is inhaling them. Such exposure generally happens in the workplace, where the victim works in close proximity to asbestos-containing products such as insulation, sheet rock and valve and brake gaskets. Persons suffering from mesothelioma can receive compensation for their injuries by contacting an attorney experienced in making claims for asbestos-caused illnesses and in handling asbestos-related litigation.

Fuente: Science Codex, 20 years of data shows treatment technique improvement for advanced abdominal cancer, April 17, 2014