Columbia, SC Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Columbia, SC Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is a terminal form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure, and thousands of people in the United States are diagnosed with mesothelioma every year. If you or a loved one has recently received such a diagnosis, it is natural to have lots of difficult questions about your legal options, and you need to consult a Columbia, SC mesothelioma lawyer as quickly as possible to determine your optimal path to securing accountability and compensation for your damages.

mesothelioma lawyer columbia sc

Representing Mesothelioma Claims in Columbia, SC

Wallace & Graham, P.A., has years of professional experience handling mesothelioma claims for clients in Columbia and throughout the state. We understand the challenges you are likely to face in your efforts to ensure accountability for your diagnosis and recover compensation for you and your family’s damages. With our assistance, you can approach your case with greater confidence and have a much higher chance of reaching a positive outcome.

You may have been exposed to asbestos at your current or former employer. Many companies throughout the state, like DuPont, Allied Chemical, and the Eastman Chemical Company, have been linked to operations that exposed workers to asbestos. Many have also been exposed in shipyards and military installations such as Fort Jackson and even at the University of South Carolina.

Your Columbia, SC mesothelioma lawyer can help you trace the origin of your mesothelioma diagnosis, and this may require an extensive review of decades worth of evidence. At Wallace & Graham, P.A., our goal in every case we accept is to help our client navigate their case efficiently, uncover every avenue of compensation available to them, and maximize their recovery as much as South Carolina law allows.

Building Your Mesothelioma Case in Columbia

The only known cause of mesothelioma is asbestos exposure, so success with any type of mesothelioma claim will require proof of where, when, and how you were exposed. Just a single exposure is enough to generate mesothelioma, and this disease can take many years to cause noticeable symptoms. This is one of the most challenging aspects of building a mesothelioma case and why you need an experienced attorney representing you in Columbia, SC.

Many companies throughout the United States have gone out of business after their products and/or operations were linked to mesothelioma from asbestos exposure. Many of these companies were required to create mesothelioma injury trusts that continue to pay compensation to claimants each year. A Columbia, SC mesothelioma lawyer can help you determine your eligibility to file such a claim and guide you through the filing process.

If you were exposed to asbestos at work, you may be able to secure workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. South Carolina employers are required to have this insurance, and it applies to almost all work-related injuries and illnesses. You will need to prove you were exposed to asbestos through your job, and if it is discovered that your employer failed to uphold applicable asbestos safety regulations, your attorney can help you pursue further legal action.

If you intend to file a personal injury suit for mesothelioma, success with the claim could yield compensation for your medical bills, lost income, and pain and suffering. You will need to accurately determine who is at fault for your asbestos exposure and prove that the exposure directly caused your claimed damages.

Columbia, SC Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: How Does Asbestos Cause Mesothelioma?

A: Asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma, and the disease begins to develop once asbestos fibers enter the body, usually through inhalation into the lungs. Once inside the body, asbestos fibers embed in tissue and begin to cause mesothelioma to form. This disease has a very long incubation period before noticeable symptoms appear, and many people diagnosed with mesothelioma were initially exposed many years or even decades prior to diagnosis.

Q: What Compensation Can You Claim for Mesothelioma?

A: The amount of compensation you can claim for mesothelioma depends on multiple variables. You will need to prove liability for your condition, meaning pinpointing exactly when, where, and how you were exposed to asbestos, and then you must show the full extent of the damages you suffered because of the condition. It’s possible to claim compensation for medical expenses, lost income, lost earning power, and your pain and suffering in this type of case.

Q: Can I Claim Workers’ Compensation Benefits for Mesothelioma?

A: Yes, you can claim workers’ compensation benefits for mesothelioma by proving that your condition directly resulted from your job duties. You will need to prove that you were exposed to asbestos at work, which may be challenging. Additionally, you may have grounds for further legal recourse if your employer failed to follow any applicable regulations that contributed to your diagnosis.

Q: Why Do I Need a Columbia, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: You need a Columbia, SC mesothelioma lawyer because these cases are very difficult for several reasons, and depending on the details of your individual case, you may have more than one avenue of legal recourse available to you. An experienced attorney can make handling every aspect of your case much easier; you will be more likely to maximize your total compensation, and you will be more likely to resolve your case in a timely manner with their assistance.

Q: What Will It Cost to Hire a Columbia, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Columbia, SC mesothelioma lawyer can depend on the lawyer’s billing policy. At Wallace & Graham, P.A., we take these cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning we will only charge our clients a fee if and when we win their case. Additionally, this contingency fee will be a percentage of the total compensation we recover for them. If we are unable to obtain compensation for the client, they pay nothing.

The right attorney can have a tremendous positive influence on your mesothelioma case. It is important to start building your case with the help of an attorney as quickly as possible, and Wallace & Graham, P.A., is ready to assist you. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation with a trustworthy, experienced Columbia, SC mesothelioma lawyer and learn more about the legal services we provide.