Camden, SC Mesothelioma Lawyer

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Camden, SC Mesothelioma Attorney

Mesothelioma is a terminal cancer caused by exposure to asbestos. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may wonder whether any other party is responsible and, if so, how you can hold them accountable for your damages. An experienced Camden, SC mesothelioma lawyer is the ideal resource to consult in this situation. They can help you make clearer sense of your legal options and help you pursue accountability and compensation.

best camden sc mesothelioma lawyer

Legal Counsel for Mesothelioma Claims in Camden, SC

Wallace & Graham, P.A., provides focused and responsive legal counsel for all types of mesothelioma claims in Camden and surrounding communities. Many attorneys refuse to take mesothelioma claims because of their inherent complexity, but we have made these cases the focus of our practice and can offer an unmatched level of legal counsel for your impending case.

Asbestos was widely used throughout the United States for decades due to its insulating and fireproofing capability, but the health risks of the substance would not become apparent for many years. Companies in Camden, such as DuPont and many others, have been cited as having exposed their workers to asbestos, leading to hundreds if not thousands of mesothelioma claims years later. This disease has also developed through the use of certain consumer products.

With our help, you can approach your case with greater confidence and peace of mind. Trust us to help you gather the evidence needed to prove fault for your condition and identify those responsible for your damages. Success with your case may require an extensive review of years, if not decades, of complex documentation, as well as a careful review of your medical records. Whatever your case requires, trust our team to guide you to a positive result.

Building Your Mesothelioma Case in Camden

If your asbestos exposure can be traced to a former employer or a company that is no longer in business, it is possible that the business was required to establish a mesothelioma injury trust. These trust funds continue to disburse payments to those adversely affected by their products years later, and your attorney can help you determine whether you are eligible for such a claim and assist you with filing it if you are.

If you have acquired mesothelioma from asbestos exposure at work, it is possible to seek workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. This insurance applies to all work-related injuries and illnesses, so you will need to prove that you were exposed to asbestos while working to prove your condition is directly work-related. Your employer may also face additional liability if it is discovered they neglected to follow applicable asbestos safety rules.

When you have grounds to pursue a personal injury suit for mesothelioma from asbestos exposure, success with this claim will require proof that a specific party is directly responsible for causing your condition. Your Camden, SC mesothelioma lawyer can assist you in holding the defendant accountable for your medical expenses, lost income, and pain and suffering if you succeed with the claim.

Ultimately, your situation may be difficult, but the help you need can be found at Wallace & Graham, P.A. Our firm has the resources and experience necessary to efficiently handle the most challenging mesothelioma claims, and you can rely on us to guide you through each stage of your recovery efforts with confidence.

Camden, SC Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: How Do You Prove Fault in a Mesothelioma Case?

A: Proving fault in a mesothelioma case requires evidence that another party is directly responsible for the asbestos exposure that caused your diagnosis. The defendant in your case could be a property owner, a current or former employer, or a product manufacturer that produced products containing asbestos. Your Camden, SC mesothelioma lawyer can help you accurately determine the exact cause of your disease.

Q: How Much Compensation Can You Claim for Mesothelioma?

A: The amount of compensation you could claim for mesothelioma in the state will vary based on the specific details of your situation. If you can prove another party is directly responsible for causing your condition, it is possible to seek compensation for medical expenses, lost income, and your pain and suffering. An experienced Camden, SC mesothelioma lawyer can assist you in determining the full potential value of your case.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Resolve a Mesothelioma Claim?

A: The time required to resolve a mesothelioma claim can vary based on multiple factors. One of the biggest challenges you face in this type of case is accurately determining the cause of your condition, and this may require an extensive review of years or even decades worth of documentation. If you are able to prove liability and can settle your claim privately, it will likely take far less time than litigation would require.

Q: Why Do I Need a Camden, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: You need a Camden, SC mesothelioma lawyer because these are inherently difficult in multiple ways, and an attorney you trust will be an invaluable asset when it comes to accurately establishing fault for your condition and holding the appropriate party accountable. They can also help you determine the extent of the damages you are eligible to claim, enhancing your recovery.

Q: What Does It Cost to Hire a Camden, SC, Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a Camden SC, mesothelioma lawyer can depend on the lawyer’s billing policy. Wallace & Graham, P.A., accepts these cases on a contingency fee basis, meaning we will only charge our clients a fee after we have won their case. Additionally, this fee will be a percentage of the total compensation we secure on their behalf. If there is no recovery for the client, they pay no fee.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., has years of professional experience representing clients in Camden and surrounding communities in all types of mesothelioma cases, and we are ready to put this experience to work for you. If you believe you have grounds to file this type of case, we can assist you. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with a Camden, SC mesothelioma lawyer and learn how our firm can assist you.