What Should I Expect During a Mesothelioma Lawsuit in North Carolina? 2024

If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you have decided to pursue a legal claim against the party responsible for causing this disease, you will naturally face many difficult questions about this situation. One of the first is likely to be, “What should I expect during a mesothelioma lawsuit in North Carolina?” While all personal injury cases follow a similar procedural framework, there are unique concerns in mesothelioma cases.

What to Expect During a Mesothelioma Lawsuit

Building a mesothelioma lawsuit can be challenging. You face a time limit for your case, and failure to file the claim within the statute of limitations means losing your chance to claim compensation. This time limit begins on the date you discover the disease, and it can take much longer than you might expect to gather the evidence needed to prove liability for your condition. You need to contact an attorney as quickly as possible after your diagnosis.

Your North Carolina mesothelioma lawyer can help you gather and review all of the documentation needed to determine when, where, and how you developed mesothelioma. The only known cause of this form of cancer is asbestos exposure, so you must determine when and where you were exposed. Due to the very long latency period of this disease, discovering the origin may require an extensive review of decades worth of records.

You need an experienced attorney who is capable of handling this volume of research and investigation. Many attorneys simply do not accept mesothelioma cases due to the level of work required, but this is not the case at Wallace & Graham, P.A. We focus our practice on providing reliable and efficient legal representation for mesothelioma cases and are fully prepared to meet the unique challenges your case might present.

Recovering Compensation for Mesothelioma

You may have multiple options for pursuing compensation for mesothelioma in the state. For example, if a specific company is responsible for your condition but is no longer in business, it may have been compelled to create a mesothelioma injury trust to compensate victims of its products and practices in the future. These trust funds continue to disburse compensation to thousands of claimants throughout the United States each year.

An experienced North Carolina mesothelioma lawyer can determine whether you are eligible to file such a claim. Alternatively, you may have grounds to file a personal injury claim for mesothelioma if there is a specific party directly responsible for causing your condition. Success with a personal injury case requires proving the defendant directly caused the damages cited in the claim.

In a personal injury case, the injured plaintiff has the right to claim compensation for any financial losses associated with their injury or illness as well as compensation for the pain and suffering they have experienced. Mesothelioma is a life-changing terminal illness, so it is vital to work with an attorney you trust to maximize your compensation in this difficult type of civil case.

It is possible to settle a personal injury case outside of court, but this requires the defendant to accept liability and agree to negotiate a settlement. This process can take several months and require multiple rounds of negotiations until a mutually acceptable resolution is reached. However, if the case cannot be settled, it will need to be resolved at trial, and this can take much longer to complete. Your attorney can estimate the potential timetable for your case.

Mesothelioma Lawsuit FAQs

Q: How Do You Prove Fault for Mesothelioma?

A: In North Carolina, proving fault for mesothelioma will require proof of when and where you were exposed to asbestos. Mesothelioma has a very long latency period, sometimes several decades, so it can be challenging to review all of the documentation needed to accurately assess the source of your condition. Once you have determined how you were exposed, you will be able to discern which party or parties bear liability for your damages.

Q: How Long Does a Mesothelioma Lawsuit Take to Complete?

A: The amount of time a mesothelioma lawsuit can take to complete depends on several factors. If you have experienced legal counsel on your side and fault for your condition is clear, it may not take very long to settle the case. However, if you must litigate, it will take much longer. Settlement with the defendant may require several months, whereas litigation often takes more than one year. An experienced attorney can help you streamline your proceedings.

Q: How Much Compensation Can You Claim for Mesothelioma?

A: The amount of compensation you can claim for mesothelioma varies based on several factors. If a defendant is proven responsible for causing your condition, you can hold them accountable for your medical treatment costs, including future care you may need to manage the condition, lost income, lost earning potential, and compensation for the pain and suffering you have endured. Ask your attorney for an estimate of your case’s total potential value.

Q: Why Should I Hire a Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: You should hire a mesothelioma lawyer in the state because, with their help, you will be significantly more likely to succeed with your case. Additionally, you will be more likely to maximize the total compensation you obtain when an experienced attorney carefully reviews the details of your situation. Ultimately, you have the greatest chance of reaching a positive outcome for your case when you have reliable legal counsel advising you.

Q: What Will It Cost to Hire a North Carolina Mesothelioma Lawyer?

A: The cost to hire a mesothelioma lawyer in the state will only be a percentage of your total case award if you choose the team at Wallace & Graham, P.A., to represent you. We take mesothelioma cases on contingency, meaning our client only pays a fee for our representation if and when we win their case. There are no upfront fees and no fee at all if we are unable to secure compensation for you, so your legal expenses will not exceed your recovery.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., has years of professional experience helping clients with mesothelioma pursue accountability and compensation from those responsible for causing this terminal illness. If you are unsure how to approach your mesothelioma case, we can help. You have a limited time in which to build and file your case, so contact us today and schedule a free consultation with our team to learn more about the legal services we offer.