South Carolina Employers’ Responsibility After Asbestos Exposure

Asbestos exposure continues to be a major health risk in many types of work throughout the state. If you or a loved one has developed mesothelioma or any other adverse health condition from work, it is important to know South Carolina employers’ responsibility after asbestos exposure. An experienced mesothelioma attorney can explain your legal options if you find yourself in this situation.

South Carolina Employers’ Responsibility After Asbestos Exposure

Every employer in the state is required to abide by various regulations that apply to their industry. Employers also have responsibilities when it comes to their employees, managing workplace injuries and minimizing exposure to harmful substances such as asbestos in their workplaces. If you work in the state and face any type of asbestos risk, it is important to know your employer’s obligations.

First, your employer must abide by all industry regulations that apply to their business model. They must also account for safety risks inside of the workplaces they operate and on the sites they manage. When there is any significant risk of asbestos exposure, employers are typically required to provide their workers with necessary safety equipment, and they must also secure required licenses to show they are able to conduct their operations safely.

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has also set strict rules for employers who operate any type of business in which asbestos exposure is a risk. Failure to meet OSHA regulations can lead to severe penalties, and businesses are typically required to carefully track any asbestos-related risks in their operations and report any concerning findings to OSHA immediately.

Employers in the state are also typically required to have workers’ compensation insurance. This insurance exists to provide financial relief to workers who have suffered injuries or developed illnesses while working. Whenever any covered worker develops an illness from asbestos exposure at work in the state, they have grounds to file a workers’ compensation claim. Employers are legally required to facilitate these claims.

Filing a Claim for Asbestos Exposure at Work in South Carolina

If you or a family member has developed mesothelioma or any other medical condition caused by asbestos exposure in the workplace, you have the right to file a claim for workers’ compensation benefits through your employer. Success with this claim could provide benefits, including medical expense coverage as well as disability benefits for any time you are unable to work due to your condition.

Filing this claim will be much easier with an experienced attorney’s help, and your attorney can also help you determine whether you have grounds to pursue additional legal recourse. For example, if a third party is responsible for your asbestos exposure, you may have grounds to file a civil claim for damages that could help you secure compensation that workers’ compensation insurance will not provide.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., can help you make sense of your legal options after asbestos exposure from work in the state. Our team has helped many past clients approach their cases with confidence and clarity, and we are ready to provide the legal representation you need in this difficult situation. You have a limited time in which to pursue compensation, so it is vital that you connect with a trustworthy legal team as quickly as possible after diagnosis.


Q: How Can I Prove I Was Exposed to Asbestos at Work?

A: You can prove you were exposed to asbestos at work with the help of an attorney. They can assist you in identifying any natural hazards in your work environment, products and materials containing asbestos that you were required to use, or identifying whether any asbestos was present inside of the buildings in which you worked. Proving the root cause of your exposure is essential in any type of asbestos injury claim.

Q: Can I File a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Asbestos Exposure?

A: Yes, you can file a workers’ compensation claim for asbestos exposure as long as you can prove that you were exposed while working and that the exposure resulted in a medical condition like mesothelioma. Most employers in the state are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance, and this insurance can provide benefits to any worker who suffers an injury or develops an illness on the job.

Q: What Must an Employer Provide in High-Risk Asbestos Exposure Jobs?

A: For all high-risk asbestos exposure jobs, employers must provide appropriate safety equipment to all workers, and they must secure all necessary licenses to conduct their operations. Employers in certain industries will also face specific regulatory requirements they will need to meet, and they are also likely required to have workers’ compensation insurance that can provide financial relief to any workers harmed during the course of performing their job duties.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer to File a Workers’ Compensation Claim for Asbestos Exposure?

A: You need a lawyer to help you file a workers’ compensation claim for asbestos exposure if you want to have the greatest chance of success with the claim. Your attorney can help you build the foundation of your case, guide you through the insurance claim filing process, and resolve any disputes raised against your claim. They can also help you determine whether you have any other available avenues of legal recourse.

Q: Can an Employer Get in Trouble for Asbestos Exposure at Work?

A: Yes, it is possible for am employer to get in trouble for asbestos exposure at work for multiple possible reasons. If the employer fails to comply with applicable safety regulations, fails to provide appropriate protective equipment to workers, or if they do not have required workers’ compensation insurance, they can face severe legal penalties as well as liability for any injured workers’ damages.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., can help you make clearer sense of your legal options if you have been exposed to asbestos at work. We have helped many past clients navigate these cases and can assist you in determining the optimal way to recover compensation in your situation. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation with our team and learn more about the legal services we can provide following asbestos exposure in the workplace.