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Pfizer can face liability claims for asbestos products

Pfizer can face liability claims for asbestos products

Collecting compensation for damages relating to a dangerous or faulty product can be a little complex. However, after it has been determined that a product causes harm to people, the manufacturer should be held accountable. In some cases, however, it may…

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What you need to know about asbestos

What you need to know about asbestos

After a pipe burst recently, residents in a metropolitan area became exposed to small levels of asbestos. While there is no major health risk reported, authorities are taking this opportunity to remind people some things they should know about asbestos…

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Storm debris may contain asbestos

Storm debris may contain asbestos

Spring is a time when people spend hours outside every day. From gardening to playing with the kids, people enjoy being out in the fresh air. With the change in season, however, come storms in North Carolina. Some experts are…

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The third wave of asbestos victims include ‘bystanders’

The third wave of asbestos victims include ‘bystanders’

Reported cases of mesothelioma and other lung diseases associated with asbestos exposure continue to climb. One reason for this might be the fact that there can be a 40 year gap between exposure and visible symptoms. Because asbestos was commonly…

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Sports arena being investigated for asbestos

Sports arena being investigated for asbestos

For about 40 years, the Nassau Coliseum has been a popular entertainment venue. Hosting everything from the Ringling Brothers circus to New York Islander hockey games, the coliseum has drawn hundreds of thousands of visitors. However, with recent claims that…

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Man survives climb to top of Mount Everest dies of mesothelioma

Man survives climb to top of Mount Everest dies of mesothelioma

Imagine you make the climb all the way to the summit of Mount Everest and become deathly ill from oxygen deprivation and are left for dead, only to be rescued a day later and you survive the ordeal. An Australian…

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North Carolina fire department settles OSHA claims

North Carolina fire department settles OSHA claims

The North Carolina Department of Labor issued citations to the Town of Indian Beach fire department. At issue were safety violations related to asbestos removal and electrical wiring. Among the citations issued, 12 were serious violations of the Occupational Safety…

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Who needs to clean up the asbestos?

Who needs to clean up the asbestos?

Residents of a New Jersey township are gridlocked with local officials about the cleanup of a demolished hospital that reportedly poses an asbestos hazard. The site contains piles of construction debris, some of which contain asbestos according to EPA reports.…

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New cause of mesothelioma may be right outside your front door

New cause of mesothelioma may be right outside your front door

We have long discussed the dangers that asbestos exposure presents. For several years, it has been known that mesothelioma is caused by contact with and prolonged exposure to the toxic substance, but there may be additional causes. Recent studies have…

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Iron Range workers at increased risk of mesothelioma

Iron Range workers at increased risk of mesothelioma

The Iron Range is an area in northeast Minnesota where there are high numbers of iron ore bands. Over the years, several Iron Range workers have died from mesothelioma, which is a deadly disease caused by asbestos exposure. Public health…

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