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The crumbling effects of exposure to friable asbestos

The crumbling effects of exposure to friable asbestos

One of the main sources of asbestos exposure is building materials. Despite the fact that many people knew that asbestos was a health hazard long ago, companies all over the world continued to manufacture products that contained asbestos. From insulation…

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Another lawsuit filed against BNSF railway

Another lawsuit filed against BNSF railway

You may think you’ve heard this story before. A railroad company that is sued for exposing workers to asbestos is not an isolated incident. Sadly, because of the extreme levels of exposure and negligence in the industry historically, many workers…

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First responders on 9/11 suffering serious health problems

First responders on 9/11 suffering serious health problems

Over ten years ago, tens of thousands of men and women raced into the crumbling World Trade Center to find victims and start cleaning up the damage. Day after day, these first responders worked tirelessly to clean up the site.…

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Diesel fumes may be as deadly asbestos exposure

Diesel fumes may be as deadly asbestos exposure

For decades now, it has been known that certain jobs and industries put workers in danger of being exposed to asbestos. People in the Navy, construction workers, plumbers, railroad employees and mechanics are among those jobs that put workers at…

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Finding the link between taconite and mesothelioma

Finding the link between taconite and mesothelioma

People who live in the Iron Range of Minnesota may be disheartened by recent research into why so many of them are dying from mesothelioma. The study has confirmed that residents in the area are at a much higher risk…

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Maryland sets a new standard for asbestos violations

Maryland sets a new standard for asbestos violations

We previously noted that cases of mesothelioma and other asbestos-related diseases are expected to peak in the next eight years. This is because up until the 1980s, people were regularly exposed to asbestos and it can take about 40 years…

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Identifying asbestos: Where is it?

Identifying asbestos: Where is it?

We have discussed the dangers of what can happen when asbestos is disturbed. The fiber can be inhaled and cause serious damage to a person lungs and overall health. But what if a person doesn’t know what asbestos looks like?…

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Danger: Is there asbestos right next door?

Danger: Is there asbestos right next door?

Not knowing if asbestos is present in a particular location can be quiet frightening. Because asbestos is typically found in pipes, insulation and other building materials that are not usually visible, it is not always obvious to people that they…

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Genetics may be a factor in developing mesothelioma

Genetics may be a factor in developing mesothelioma

Significant research has been done to understand the cause and effects of mesothelioma. This aggressive form of cancer forms in the lining of the chest and is primarily caused by exposure to asbestos. As research continues, some scientists are looking…

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Could asbestos have been a factor in the death of Donna Summers?

Could asbestos have been a factor in the death of Donna Summers?

Reports of the death of Donna Summer saddened her fans across the world. The “Queen of Disco” recently passed away after losing the battle with lung cancer. In the aftermath of her death, some are wondering if asbestos exposure was…

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