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Mesothelioma could have come from any of hundreds of sources

Mesothelioma could have come from any of hundreds of sources

Asbestos was once hailed as something of a miracle product. It appeared in all sorts of applications, and was renowned for its ability to resist fire. However, reliance on the substance ultimately was too good to be true. Over time,…

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Scientists may have found new test for pleural mesothelioma

Scientists may have found new test for pleural mesothelioma

One of the most difficult aspects of treating patients with mesothelioma and other forms of lung cancer that doctors face is obtaining an accurate picture of the severity of the disease. Traditionally, doctors will look at patients’ lymph nodes to…

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Dealing with issues from asbestos in cigarettes 60 years later

Dealing with issues from asbestos in cigarettes 60 years later

You’d be hard pressed to find a person who does not know about the dangers of asbestos. It seems the warnings about its harmful effects are everywhere and yet this didn’t used to be the case 60 years ago. Looking…

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Mesothelioma claims life of veteran actor Ed Lauter

Mesothelioma claims life of veteran actor Ed Lauter

Like many character actors, you probably would recognize Ed Lauter’s face almost immediately. Movie fans would likely recognize him from his recent appearance in “Trouble with the Curve.” Science Fiction fans would likely recognize Lauter from a guest appearance on…

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Lorillard Tobacco cited in numerous mesothelioma lawsuits

Lorillard Tobacco cited in numerous mesothelioma lawsuits

For decades, companies put asbestos in products and claimed that these products were safe. Everything from household appliances to shipbuilding materials commonly contained asbestos. It was touted as a safe and cheap material, even after it was discovered that inhaling…

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Claim: Children made ‘snowballs’ out of asbestos at plant

Claim: Children made ‘snowballs’ out of asbestos at plant

When we read about the victims of asbestos exposure, we may notice that many of them are older, retired and perhaps enjoying time with their grandchildren or even great grandchildren. This is because people who developed asbestos-related illnesses often did…

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Woman dies of mesothelioma after husband exposed to asbestos

Woman dies of mesothelioma after husband exposed to asbestos

Illnesses that are linked to asbestos exposure are not developed overnight. Often times, victims of mesothelioma, asbestosis and other lung cancers have been exposed to asbestos for many years, at different locations and because of the negligence of multiple parties.…

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Construction waste removal puts people at risk for mesothelioma

Construction waste removal puts people at risk for mesothelioma

When asbestos has been identified in certain materials, it is imperative that these materials be disposed of properly and safely. They cannot simply be tossed in the garbage with other refuse. This is because asbestos is toxic and presents a…

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The business of asbestos lawsuits

The business of asbestos lawsuits

Victims of an asbestos-related disease no doubt experience some very difficult and trying emotions from the moment they are diagnoses. They are often angry, confused, sad, frightened and often determined to hold the party responsible for their illness accountable. But…

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What products commonly contain asbestos?

What products commonly contain asbestos?

Exposure to asbestos has long been known to cause various types of cancer, specifically mesothelioma. People who breathe in the airborne fibers can develop serious illnesses that are ultimately fatal. Mesothelioma, asbestosis and lung cancer can be devastating for victims…

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