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Should asbestos-related lawsuits be harder to file?

Should asbestos-related lawsuits be harder to file?

In our last post, we talked about the increasing “industry losses” that are occurring due to asbestos-related lawsuits. However, much of that post — and, indeed, the source material for that post — was dedicated to the perception asbestos-related lawsuits…

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Combination of treatments shows positive results for mesothelioma

Combination of treatments shows positive results for mesothelioma

Being diagnosed with mesothelioma can be devastating. It is caused by exposure to asbestos and may go undetected for decades. People who have this rare form of cancer often learn that the disease is slow to develop but can be…

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Report says that industry losses to asbestos lawsuits increased

Report says that industry losses to asbestos lawsuits increased

According to a new report by A.M. Best & Co. (a statistical organization), the financial losses felt by U.S. industry as a result of asbestos-related lawsuits increased in 2012 by 12 percent. That shows a stark change to what happened…

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Workers, residents face health risks of asbestos violations

Workers, residents face health risks of asbestos violations

Working in certain jobs can put employees at risk of developing serious work-related illnesses. This can be especially true for workers who have been exposed to asbestos on the job. For decades, it has been known that the mineral can…

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Man alleges that joint compound paste led to mesothelioma

Man alleges that joint compound paste led to mesothelioma

For decades, companies all across the country manufactured and sold products containing asbestos. While it has long been known that asbestos exposure can lead to serious and fatal illnesses, many of these companies kept this information under their hats. They…

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The dangers of asbestos for Navy members (and other ship workers)

The dangers of asbestos for Navy members (and other ship workers)

As Veterans Day has come and gone, many people in North Carolina — and all around the country — honored and thanked the hundreds of thousands of people who have served in the military. Many of these veterans, both young…

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Congresswoman’s lawsuit sparks debate over smoking and asbestos

Congresswoman’s lawsuit sparks debate over smoking and asbestos

On this blog, we often discuss the fact that companies and manufacturers have known for decades that products with asbestos can pose a serious threat to a person’s health. Airborne asbestos can enter a person’s lungs and do some serious…

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Mesothelioma claims the life of oil refinery operator

Mesothelioma claims the life of oil refinery operator

Mesothelioma is a devastating and fatal disease. Too many people develop this form of cancer after being exposed to toxic levels of asbestos. Any person can come into contact with the deadly substance, but it disproportionately affects those who spent…

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Razed warehouse now considered an asbestos threat

Razed warehouse now considered an asbestos threat

It’s jarring to think about it now, but there was a time in the not-too-distant past where asbestos was an integral part to the structure of a building. The material had so many desirable traits: it was fire-resistant, it was…

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Plumbing and heating company owner accused of asbestos violations

Plumbing and heating company owner accused of asbestos violations

There are certain dustries in which workers should be well-versed in how to safely handle and dispose of asbestos. These employees are generally in construction, plumbing or transportation industries and often work with materials that were made using asbestos. Therefore,…

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