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Hidden dangers could result in a mesothelioma diagnosis

Hidden dangers could result in a mesothelioma diagnosis

Mesothelioma is a deadly disease that takes countless lives every year. Common occupations include construction workers, demolition crews, home renovators, firefighters, and those working in industrial settings and power plants. Close to one-third of lawsuits involve claims from Navy veterans…

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What are the earliest symptoms of mesothelioma?

What are the earliest symptoms of mesothelioma?

Throughout North Carolina and South Carolina, there are many people who have unknowingly contracted a terminal illness. In fact, they might be sick for years before they develop symptoms or receive a diagnosis. One illness that often fits this description…

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How cosmetic talc can be a danger to your health

How cosmetic talc can be a danger to your health

When you purchase a consumer product, you assume that it will be safe to use and not cause you any unnecessary harm. Unfortunately, there are times when consumers suffer harm due to unsafe products, but sometimes the extent of this…

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New insight on the development of mesothelioma

New insight on the development of mesothelioma

Receiving a diagnosis of certain types of cancer can be devastating, both for you and your loved ones. Mesothelioma is a specific type of cancer that is aggressive and incurable, and it is often the result of exposure to the…

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Does your loved one have mesothelioma?

Does your loved one have mesothelioma?

If a doctor has diagnosed your loved one with a terminal illness, it’s understandable that you want to help him or her retain the greatest quality of life possible as each phase of the illness progresses. Are you a caregiver…

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Mesothelioma refers to 3 types of illness

Mesothelioma refers to 3 types of illness

If you had exposure to microscopic fibers that categorized as “asbestos,” your health is at risk. Asbestos-related illnesses are often slow to develop in the human body, however, so many years might pass before you realize that you are ill.…

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Treatment for mesothelioma through photodynamic therapy

Treatment for mesothelioma through photodynamic therapy

Certain types of lung cancers can develop as a result of exposure to types of toxic substances, such as asbestos. In many cases, individuals come into contact with asbestos as a result of their jobs, but they may not be…

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Asbestos research may provide mesothelioma answers

Asbestos research may provide mesothelioma answers

Many people in North Carolina and throughout the country have contracted terminal illnesses after working in train yards, automotive repair, factories, shipyards, construction, old school buildings and other industries. While the work in such industries varies, there is a common…

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North Carolina families seek to combine mesothelioma lawsuits

North Carolina families seek to combine mesothelioma lawsuits

Two North Carolina families whose loved ones either died or suffer from asbestos-related mesothelioma have asked a U.S. federal court to consolidate their individual cases in seeking damages from companies that include Dow Chemical, 3M and General Electric. Several other…

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How mesothelioma treatment could impact your life

How mesothelioma treatment could impact your life

Once you receive a diagnosis of mesothelioma, you know that your life will be different going forward. Mesothelioma is a serious type of cancer that impacts the lungs, and while you know that your prognosis may not be good, you…

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