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What are the symptoms and signs of mesothelioma?

What are the symptoms and signs of mesothelioma?

People who have been exposed to asbestos, whether it was 40 days or 40 years ago, may not have even realized that their health may have been put in danger as a result of that exposure. People can easily breathe…

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Study: Mesothelioma risks increase with additional exposures

Study: Mesothelioma risks increase with additional exposures

It has been known for decades that exposure to asbestos fibers can dramatically increase a person’s chances of developing mesothelioma. This illness is devastating; it can take several years to diagnose and it is often very aggressive which means that…

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Beware of these asbestos-containing products

Beware of these asbestos-containing products

Exposure to asbestos can be deadly. The fibers, when breathed in, can do irreparable damage to a person’s lungs and other organs. Sadly, the symptoms of the illnesses that are caused by asbestos exposure can take decades to start showing…

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Twelve million dollar asbestos product exposure verdict affirmed

Twelve million dollar asbestos product exposure verdict affirmed

A recent state court appellate decision offers encouragement for persons in North Carolina who have suffered from asbestos product exposure. The court affirmed a $12 million jury verdict in favor of the families of men who died from mesothelioma caused…

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Negligence lawsuit filed by former shipyard worker

Negligence lawsuit filed by former shipyard worker

Shipyard workers have been disproportionately affected by the devastating effects of asbestos for decades. Men and women who worked on military ships or in the yards were commonly exposed to asbestos on the job without being informed of how dangerous…

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North Carolina asbestos lawsuit tossed out

North Carolina asbestos lawsuit tossed out

A case regarding asbestos has come to an end in North Carolina, resulting in a summary judgment for the companies that were acting as defendants. A woman was attempting to bring the case against those companies because she claimed that…

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Company fined for asbestos-removal violations at family home

Company fined for asbestos-removal violations at family home

Owning a home is something that many people hope to do. Homeowners take a lot of pride in their homes and will often go to great lengths to make sure their home is a safe and happy place to be.…

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Removal of Kilby Hotel rubble waiting for asbestos removal plan

Removal of Kilby Hotel rubble waiting for asbestos removal plan

The historic Kilby Hotel in High Point, N.C., collapsed on June 11, 2014, and is now a heap of rubble. Unfortunately, the hotel’s remains cannot be hauled away until the state approves a plan for preventing the release of fibers…

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Lack of asbestos testing leads to $56,000 settlement

Lack of asbestos testing leads to $56,000 settlement

Most North Carolina residents don’t worry about asbestos exposure nowadays, but the substance is still found in older buildings. Those who are exposed to it can become seriously ill and suffer from mesothelioma and other cancers. Inmates hired to remove…

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Mesothelioma victim pursuing additional damages from Ford

Mesothelioma victim pursuing additional damages from Ford

The legal process of pursuing compensation for asbestos-related illnesses can be complicated and overwhelming, especially considering the fact that people are already dealing with devastating health conditions. However, it is important for victims and their families to remember that in…

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