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Veterans exposed to asbestos have options to pursue benefits

Veterans exposed to asbestos have options to pursue benefits

Veterans of the U.S. military are among those who are known to be at an increased risk of developing serious illnesses caused by asbestos. Navy veterans in particular were at risk of being exposed to asbestos for decades. The toxic…

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Damages that may be awarded in wrongful death claims

Damages that may be awarded in wrongful death claims

It is all but impossible to overestimate the devastation families suffer when someone is diagnosed with a serious and ultimately fatal illness caused by asbestos exposure. Worlds can be turned upside down and there is often extensive and unfortunate adjustments…

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Clothing can provide critical protection from asbestos

Clothing can provide critical protection from asbestos

There are some jobs that require workers to handle or be in the presence of unsafe materials. This exposure can be all but unavoidable. But when workers are exposed to a toxic substance or dangerous product at work, it is…

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What industries have a high risk of asbestos exposure?

What industries have a high risk of asbestos exposure?

The mineral asbestos has been used for almost 150 years to make products that can withstand a high level of heat, such as steam pipe insulation and brake pads. About 70 years ago, the scientific and medical communities began to…

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Time: friend or foe in asbestos claims?

Time: friend or foe in asbestos claims?

When it comes to legal and medical issues related to asbestos, time can be one of the biggest challenges. There are a number of complications that time can present, and it is important for victims of asbestos-related illnesses and their…

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Study: Multiple cell mutations found in mesothelioma development

Study: Multiple cell mutations found in mesothelioma development

There is no question that mesothelioma is a horrible disease that can lead to a rapid, unpleasant death. When it is diagnosed it is often that much more difficult to handle because of the circumstances surrounding the development of the…

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When veterans develop asbestos-related diseases

When veterans develop asbestos-related diseases

Many of our nation’s veterans were exposed to significant harms during their time serving our country. Some of these harms were ones that veterans were aware that they could face, as there are many risks associated with combat. However, there…

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An asbestos primer: What is asbestos?

An asbestos primer: What is asbestos?

Many people in North Carolina know in a general way that asbestos causes cancer, but few people know much about the scientific nature of asbestos, or its sources, or its uses. From time to time, this blog will discuss the…

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Is asbestos banned for use in products in the US?

Is asbestos banned for use in products in the US?

When a product or substance poses a threat to the health and safety of consumers, it may be necessary to pull the unsafe materials off the market to protect people. There are many ingredients and materials that have been banned…

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Homeowners face losing homes, land due to asbestos

Homeowners face losing homes, land due to asbestos

Asbestos is an international concern as it is used in materials that are shipped and used around the world. Even when people living in other countries are affected by asbestos, they still face the same devastation and challenges that people…

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