This blog has often written about the use of medical and scientific testimony to prove that exposure to airborne asbestos fibers causes many serious illnesses, including mesothelioma, lung cancer and asbestosis. If an asbestos case in North Carolina or elsewhere…
Many people in North Carolina think that asbestos claims are a thing of the past, but they are wrong. In the past several weeks, this blog has cited a number of cases in which exposure to asbestos-containing products has been…
This blog has written repeatedly on two themes: the continuing presence of asbestos in the environment and the hazards associated with renovating older buildings in which use of asbestos was common. The latter theme is especially important in North Carolina…
Defenders of the asbestos industry have been pushing Congress to enact legislation that would make pursuing class actions and recovering damages from asbestos trust funds more difficult. The ultimate future of these measures is murky at best, but the House…
In recent posts, this blog has called attention to the continuing vitality of litigation seeking damages for exposure to airborne asbestos fibers in North Carolina and elsewhere. This same theme was repeated by attorneys on both sides of a case…
In the early 1970, the United States Environmental Protection Agency began banning the use of asbestos-containing products in products used in the construction industry. The ban has widened, but according to contemporary experts, the white mineral continues to cause serious…
Virtually every state in the Union, including North Carolina, has passed what is called a “statute of repose.” Among other things, statutes of repose apply to lawsuits for injuries alleged to have arisen out of a defective condition in a…
This blog has repeatedly discussed the hazards posed by asbestos-containing products in older buildings. An especially dangerous hazard is posed by asbestos products in schools. Congress passed two measures intended to ascertain the scope of and abate this hazard, the…
When the health hazards of exposure to asbestos fibers first intruded into the public consciousness in the 1960s, the victims were asbestos miners, millers and persons who worked for industries that manufactured asbestos products. The second wave of victims involved…
Every job has its fair share of potential dangers that can lead to a worker’s inability to be able to function at his or her job, or in more extreme and tragic situations, lead to death. Industrial plants are one…