Mesothelioma is a particularly challenging type of cancer to treat because of the fact that symptoms may not appear until the disease has reached an advanced stage. The survival rate is very low at the advanced level, and even when…
Mesothelioma is a terminal form of cancer caused by asbestos exposure. One of the biggest problems with treating this disease is the fact that symptoms usually do not appear until it has reached an advanced stage. With advanced mesothelioma, life…
Mesothelioma is a terminal form of lung cancer with a single known cause: exposure to asbestos. One of the most challenging aspects of this disease is the fact that it takes a very long time to develop noticeable symptoms. It’s…
Most Americans are aware of the dangers of asbestos and the serious medical issues this substance can cause. However, many people encounter it without realizing it, and they may wonder, “What does asbestos look like, and how to identify it?”…
If you or a family member has been diagnosed with mesothelioma and you have decided to pursue a legal claim against the party responsible for causing this disease, you will naturally face many difficult questions about this situation. One of…
If you are wondering, does talc powder have asbestos, it is important to understand that while many products containing talc claim to be certified asbestos-free, the testing procedures used to support such claims are not entirely foolproof. While most products…
Many people are aware of the risk of asbestos exposure from products containing talc, but you may ask, how do I know if talc is asbestos-free? The reality is that it is impossible to be certain that any talc-containing product…
If you have heard of the link between cosmetic talc and asbestos-related illness over the past years, it’s natural to wonder, is cosmetic talc asbestos-free? The answer is no; cosmetic talc inherently carries a risk of asbestos exposure due to…
Asbestos is the only known cause of mesothelioma, a terminal form of cancer that takes years to develop in noticeable ways, and thousands of people are diagnosed with this condition each year. It’s vital to know the types of asbestos,…
If you are planning to file a talcum powder lawsuit, it is natural to wonder what sort of timetable you can expect. If you are wondering, how long does it take to settle a talcum powder case, the reality is…