How Much Does a Mesothelioma Lawyer Cost in North Carolina?

Mesothelioma is an aggressive, devastating cancer caused by asbestos exposure. If you or a loved one received a mesothelioma diagnosis, amongst other questions, you may wonder, “How much does a mesothelioma lawyer cost in North Carolina?”

Any questions about attorney costs and your rights to compensation can be answered by consulting a skilled North Carolina mesothelioma attorney. An experienced firm can help you navigate the legal process and fight for your entitled compensation.

What Goes Into the Cost of a Mesothelioma Lawyer?

Many factors contribute to the cost of a mesothelioma lawyer. Mesothelioma cases can be difficult, as they require specific evidence to succeed, such as proof of exposure and detailed financial records. Some common aspects that contribute to the cost of a mesothelioma case are:

Case Complexity

While some people can keep detailed exposure and medical records, others are less fortunate. Additionally, some cases may be more straightforward than others. Factors such as the number of involved parties, evidence-gathering requirements, and legal strategy can all affect case costs.

Experience of the Attorney

It may seem like any attorney can handle a mesothelioma case. However, a skilled mesothelioma attorney may get vastly different results than a lawyer who has just started practicing. An experienced attorney’s knowledge of the process and legal requirements may command a higher fee due to their ability to secure a more favorable outcome for your case.

Location of the Case

Legal fees tend to differ depending on the client’s geographical location. For example, there may be different court filing fees or general expenses in one part of North Carolina versus another.

What to Know About Mesothelioma Attorney Fees

While exact costs can vary, some general information about mesothelioma attorney fees can help you decide what to do with your case.

  • Many attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. In this setup, you will typically not pay upfront fees. Instead, your attorney would charge you a percentage of the compensation that you receive after negotiation or litigation. Contingency fees can vary greatly in mesothelioma cases, so it is wise to consult a skilled firm to understand their fee.
  • Some attorneys charge an hourly rate. Hourly rates can be less common in mesothelioma cases, but it is important to know that they exist. Understanding the hourly rate and estimated number of hours can give you an upfront estimate before you agree to this fee arrangement.

Additional Costs Outside of Attorney Fees

Attorney fees are good to understand and acknowledge, but other costs are usually associated with mesothelioma cases. Some of these additional expenses are court filing fees, the costs of obtaining medical records, and expert witness fees. If it helps, you can consult with your attorney about their projected estimate of your total case expenses.

Finding the Right Mesothelioma Attorney for You

One of the most important factors in having a successful mesothelioma case is acquiring the right attorney. You want an attorney with a proven record of success in your type of case. Here are some tips if you need help finding the right attorney:

Do Your Research

Looking for attorneys or firms that focus on mesothelioma work is crucial. Once you find an attorney’s website, you can look at their reviews and page information detailing their experience and qualifications.

Schedule Consultations

It is wise to meet with several attorneys to discuss your case and what they believe is the optimal outcome. You can understand your attorney’s personality, approach, and experience in these consultations. You may also have the opportunity to get a cost estimate.

Seek Recommendations When Necessary

If you do not have success finding a mesothelioma attorney on your own, talking to your doctor, other healthcare providers, or a mesothelioma support group may help. These entities can recommend an experienced mesothelioma attorney in your area.


Q: What Is the Average Settlement for a Mesothelioma Case?

A: The average settlement for a mesothelioma case can fluctuate wildly, depending on the specific situation. While some settlements reach millions of dollars, trust funds usually distribute awards in the hundreds of thousands. Consulting with a qualified North Carolina mesothelioma attorney can allow you to get an estimate for your potential claim.

Q: How Long Does It Take to Settle a Mesothelioma Case?

A: The amount of time it takes to settle a mesothelioma case can vary due to case details, the location of the case, and other factors. There are many steps in the process before the finalization of the settlement, including:

  • Hiring an attorney
  • Filing the claim
  • Waiting for the response
  • Beginning and concluding the discovery phase
  • Reaching a hopefully appropriate settlement
  • Appealing an inappropriate settlement

Following this process, most mesothelioma cases take at least several months to arrive at a settlement offer.

Q: How Do Mesothelioma Settlements Work?

A: Mesothelioma settlements work similarly to other legal settlements. If your case deals with a manufacturer or an asbestos-related company, an attorney can work to negotiate the proper settlement for your situation. While some cases may take longer than others to negotiate, this time can be vital for acquiring the funds to cover your related mesothelioma expenses.

Some patients or their families are compensated through an asbestos trust, which may work differently than expected. It is wise to consult with your attorney about this possibility.

Q: Are Asbestos Settlements Taxable?

A: Asbestos settlements may or may not be taxable, depending on their type and format. While compensation for medical expenses is not taxable, other forms of compensation are taxable. Some taxable forms of compensation are punitive damages and interest earned on distributed compensation over time.

The IRS has guidelines for taxing compensation through legal action, and it is wise to consult an experienced North Carolina mesothelioma legal representative if you wonder whether your settlement will be taxable.

Do Not Wait to Get Help

If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, time is of the essence. This aggressive cancer can quickly damage the body, so you should seek medical treatment as soon as possible. Obtaining legal representation can help cover your medical expenses. While it is important to know a mesothelioma attorney’s financial aspects, having a qualified attorney as your advocate is vital in this difficult time.

If you need legal assistance, Wallace & Graham has skilled mesothelioma attorneys ready to help you in North Carolina. Contact us today for a consultation and to receive answers to your questions.