Mesothelioma Associated With the Use of Cosmetic Talc – All You Need to Know

While many people are aware of the health risks associated with asbestos found in older buildings and some products, there are also cases of mesothelioma associated with the use of cosmetic talc. This substance was formerly used in the production of many hygiene products, and many consumers used these products without realizing they were contaminated. If you believe you have been harmed by such exposure, you need to know your legal options.

Understanding Mesothelioma Associated With the Use of Cosmetic Talc

Cosmetic talc is made from talcum powder, a refined form of naturally occurring talc. This mineral is sometimes contaminated with asbestos, another naturally occurring mineral. Asbestos veins can be incredibly small and can only be detected with chemical testing. However, this testing is not 100% accurate all of the time, and it is possible for very small amounts of asbestos to escape detection. This means products made with talc could be contaminated.

Companies that continue to use talc in their products invest in chemical testing to ensure that their products are as safe as possible. However, consumers must be aware that a product claiming to be certified asbestos-free may not actually be free of asbestos. Trace amounts may have escaped detection, and while these amounts are too small to be caught by testing, they are still enough to cause mesothelioma.

One of the most difficult aspects of mesothelioma cases is the fact that this disease can take many years to manifest noticeable symptoms. It’s possible for just a single exposure to asbestos to cause mesothelioma, but products made with cosmetic talc are typically designed for repeated daily use. Many hygiene and personal care products like body powder, baby powder, and some makeup products have been linked to contaminated talc.

This means that if a person uses a contaminated product every day for a long period, they significantly increase their risk of developing mesothelioma. Additionally, this repeated exposure can speed up the development of mesothelioma in some cases. Many companies have been sued for mesothelioma caused by talc contaminated with asbestos, and an experienced attorney can determine whether you have grounds to file such a case.

Proving the Cause of Mesothelioma in a Cosmetic Talc Suit

One of the most challenging aspects of any mesothelioma claim is proving exactly how the victim developed their illness. In a cosmetic talc suit, the plaintiff must prove which product caused their diagnosis, and this will require proving the use of the product and determining when they used the contaminated product. Due to the long latency period of mesothelioma, it can be very difficult for some plaintiffs.

Wallace & Graham, P.A., focuses on mesothelioma cases, and we have successfully represented many past clients in cosmetic talc claims throughout the state. Our firm accepts cases that many other attorneys simply will not touch due to their inherent difficulty and the volume of research required. You can rely on our team to help you determine the cause of your condition and identify the party responsible.

If you have grounds to file a mesothelioma claim related to a cosmetic talc product, you may be able to claim compensation for all of your related medical expenses, lost income if you are unable to work due to your condition, and compensation for pain and suffering. You may also qualify to file a claim to a mesothelioma injury trust created by a company that manufactured the product that caused your condition but is no longer in business.

Cosmetic Talc Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: How Can Cosmetic Talc Cause Mesothelioma?

A: Cosmetic talc can cause mesothelioma if it is contaminated by asbestos. Natural talc is a mineral that may contain trace amounts of asbestos that are very difficult to detect, and it is possible for such testing to fail to identify very small amounts of the substance. If asbestos is used in the creation of cosmetic talc products, anyone who uses these products will be exposed to asbestos and face the risk of developing mesothelioma.

Q: How Does Asbestos Cause Mesothelioma?

A: Asbestos causes mesothelioma when it enters the body through ingestion or inhalation. Asbestos fibers are incredibly small, sharp, and light, allowing them to be breathed into the lungs, where they can embed and slowly cause mesothelioma to develop. It is also possible for asbestos to cause cancer with the use of contaminated talc products. For example, cosmetic talc powders contaminated by asbestos have been linked to ovarian cancer.

Q: Is Talc Still Used in Cosmetics Today?

A: Talc is still used in some cosmetics today, but it is not nearly as common as it used to be. Many companies that previously used talc have switched to alternative ingredients to avoid the risk of asbestos contamination in their products. Companies that still use talc have invested in expansive chemical testing services they use to verify that the talc they include in their products is as safe as possible. However, these tests are not foolproof.

Q: How Long Does It Take for Talc to Cause Mesothelioma?

A: It is possible for talc to cause mesothelioma with a single exposure, and mesothelioma takes a long time to develop. However, repeated use of contaminated products over a long period of time can cause mesothelioma to develop more rapidly. If you believe you have developed this disease, you need to work with an experienced attorney who can help you determine exactly when and how you were exposed.

Q: Should I Hire a Lawyer for a Cosmetic Talc Mesothelioma Claim?

A: Yes, you should hire a lawyer for a cosmetic talc mesothelioma claim because these cases are inherently some of the most challenging product liability claims anyone can file. Success with your case may require extensive research and investigation, and the average person may have trouble linking their mesothelioma diagnosis to a specific product. An experienced attorney will know how to build the framework of your case.

Cosmetic talc lawsuits are challenging in several ways, and it is vital to have legal representation you trust if you intend to file this type of claim. The team at Wallace & Graham, P.A., excels at resolving difficult mesothelioma cases, including those pertaining to cosmetic talc. If you believe you have grounds to file such a claim, we can help. Contact us today and schedule a free consultation to learn how we can assist you with your case.