How Common Is Mesothelioma in North Carolina? 2024

Most people are aware of the dangers of mesothelioma, but how common is mesothelioma in North Carolina? The reality is that while many significant steps have been taken to curb asbestos exposure and minimize new mesothelioma diagnoses in the state, hundreds of people continue to be diagnosed with this condition each year. It’s possible for just one exposure to asbestos to eventually cause this cancer to develop.

Mesothelioma Cases in North Carolina

While the state is not one of the highest-ranking states in the country when it comes to the number of mesothelioma cases diagnosed, the condition is still prevalent in the state, and hundreds of state residents file mesothelioma cases each year. This disease takes a long time to develop noticeable symptoms, so people filing their cases today may have been exposed to asbestos years or even decades ago.

It can be very difficult to assess the exact time and place that an asbestos exposure occurred, and asbestos exposure is the only known cause of mesothelioma. If you have been diagnosed with this form of cancer, you need to pinpoint when you were exposed to asbestos to determine if any other party is liable for your exposure. If so, you likely have grounds for legal recourse and will need an experienced attorney’s help to file your case successfully.

In North Carolina, many mesothelioma cases have arisen from work in specific locations. Shipyards, manufacturing facilities, factories, and power plants are all hotspots for asbestos exposure. It is also possible for mesothelioma to result from asbestos in cosmetic products made with talc. Talc is a naturally occurring mineral that may be contaminated by trace amounts of asbestos that are very difficult to detect, even with extensive chemical testing.

Pursuing Compensation for Mesothelioma

Each year, many state residents are diagnosed with mesothelioma from multiple causes. These individuals often need help determining the causes of their conditions and discerning their most viable avenues of recovery. If you have been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be eligible to file a claim to a mesothelioma injury trust, or you may have grounds to file a personal injury lawsuit against the party responsible for your exposure.

Companies that previously made asbestos products were often compelled to create mesothelioma injury trusts designed to compensate victims of their products when their conditions were discovered in the future. Because mesothelioma takes a long time to develop, many of these companies have since closed or changed to different business models, but these injury trusts remain as a source of compensation for affected victims.

In a personal injury case, the injured plaintiff must prove liability for their damages before they will be able to recover compensation from the at-fault party. This type of claim may yield compensation for medical expenses, lost income, lost earning power, and pain and suffering. It is also possible for a worker who developed mesothelioma from performing their job duties to claim workers’ compensation benefits.

Ultimately, mesothelioma can arise from many different circumstances, and it is important for anyone diagnosed with this condition to know their rights when it comes to claiming compensation. Wallace & Graham, P.A., can provide comprehensive legal support if you believe you have grounds for any type of mesothelioma claim.

NC Mesothelioma FAQs

Q: What State Has the Most Mesothelioma Cases?

A: California is the state with the most mesothelioma cases. This is due to several factors, including the fact that the state has the highest population in the United States and that asbestos was widely used in many of California’s major industries for decades. Asbestos exposure has caused thousands of deaths throughout the state, many of which resulted from mesothelioma. Other hotspot states for mesothelioma include Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania.

Q: How Does Asbestos Cause Mesothelioma?

A: Asbestos causes mesothelioma when it enters the body, primarily through inhalation, but it is also possible for mesothelioma to develop from ingestion or skin exposure. When asbestos fibers enter the body, these very tiny, sharp particles embed in various tissues, gradually causing mesothelioma to develop over time. This disease has a very long latency period, sometimes taking decades to show noticeable symptoms.

Q: Where Is Asbestos Most Commonly Found?

A: Today, asbestos is most commonly found in older buildings, usually those constructed before 1980. For many years, asbestos was a commonly used building material due to its insulating and fireproofing capabilities. Its dangers were largely unknown until large numbers of people were diagnosed with mesothelioma, and the disease was traced to asbestos exposure. Shipyards, power plants, factories, and manufacturing centers are some of the highest-risk buildings.

Q: How Do You Prove Asbestos Exposure?

A: In North Carolina, proving asbestos exposure can be challenging, and an experienced attorney can be an invaluable resource for this type of case. A good attorney can review employment records and other documentation to help you trace the most likely source of your exposure. This is one of the most difficult aspects of any mesothelioma case, so it is crucial to choose an attorney who has proven experience handling this type of case.

Q: Do I Need a Lawyer in Order to File a Mesothelioma Lawsuit?

A: Yes, you need a lawyer to file a mesothelioma lawsuit in the state if you want to ensure the greatest chance of success with your case. Many attorneys do not accept these cases because of their inherent difficulty, so it’s crucial to choose an attorney who has proven experience handling this type of case. Additionally, you may have multiple options for recovering compensation that a seasoned attorney can help you understand.

The dedicated team at Wallace & Graham, P.A., has successfully helped many past clients navigate complex mesothelioma cases, and we can put this experience to work for your case. North Carolina mesothelioma cases can be challenging to resolve, but we are confident in our ability to provide effective counsel in the most difficult mesothelioma cases. Contact us today to learn more about the legal services we provide, and how we can help you with your case.