Diseases that are caused because of exposure to asbestos can be some of the most devastating illnesses. Many victims of mesothelioma, asbestosis and other types of lung cancer often develop the disease long before they notice any symptoms. In fact,…
When we read stories about people who are suffering from an asbestos-related disease, they are often older men who worked in dangerous conditions for decades. Less frequently, but still too often, we read about the women who are diagnosed with…
On this blog, we often discuss the price that victims of asbestos exposure are forced to pay. Too often, innocent people are developing mesothelioma, asbestosis and other illnesses because of exposure many years ago. Readers may know now that asbestos…
One of the things that people likely do not always realize about asbestos exposure is that it is not always direct. People may generally think that if they have never worked with asbestos or held it in their hands that…
The toll that asbestos can take on a person’s health can be unpredictable. Not every person develops a life-threatening illness from being exposed to asbestos and it can take decades for a person to even start showing symptoms. This is…
There is a general understanding by folks in the United States that if a product is dangerous or hazardous to a person’s health, steps will be taken to remove the item from the marketplace. We have seen this before with…
We expect news sources to be objective and include facts about the stories that affect us. However, news is not always black and white, and neither is the coverage. This may be the case as some news outlets struggle to…
People all across the world, working in all industries and living in all types of conditions can be at risk of having been exposed to asbestos. The pain and suffering that the victims go through after being diagnosed with an…
People generally understand the dangers that members of the military face during their service. They are recognized for their bravery, courage and strength. However, the unfortunate truth is that too often, one of the risks of serving in the military…
Despite the fact that people have known for decades that asbestos is toxic and can cause cancer, people continue to suffer from diseases and cancers caused by the airborne fibers. Tragically, the malignant forms of these cancers are ultimately fatal…