Asbestos court cases can be very complicated; in many cases, this is because there is a large amount of money at stake. Product manufacturers and employers accused of negligent or reckless behaviors will go to great lengths to defend their…
In our last post, it was explained how a 1994 amendment to the federal bankruptcy code has allowed companies facing large liabilities for illnesses caused by their asbestos-containing products to escape such liabilities by creating asbestos trusts. In this post,…
Almost thirty years ago, two companies, Johns Manville and UNR Industries, filed petitions in United States Bankruptcy Court to limit their exposure for damages caused by asbestos fibers in the products that they had manufactured. In the ensuing three decades,…
The discovery of asbestos during the course of a school modernization project has forced the governing school board to close the schools, while the extent of the hazard is investigated. Like the schools in question, many school buildings in North…
Many people who have worked in North Carolina’s shipyards, steel mills, paper mills and other heavy industries may have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibers on the job, but they have no idea which companies manufactured the asbestos-containing products that…
When a person gets sick as a result of exposure to asbestos, he or she can be entitled to compensation from the party responsible for the exposure. In some cases, this can be a property owner who failed to adequately…
When individuals are facing criminal charges, they might also face civil charges as well. This occurs when their actions whether deliberate, negligent or accidental, causes injury or death to others. The victims and their loved ones suffering because of their…
We have used this blog to inform readers about the many ways asbestos can damage a person’s health, finances, and family. We often encourage victims of asbestos exposure to explore their legal options for pursuing a case and compensation from…
In North Carolina, there may be victims of asbestos exposure who are unaware of their risk for mesothelioma. It is important to be aware of the risks, symptoms and signs of this potentially deadly disease. Victims of mesothelioma from asbestos…
Overlooked or unbeknownst to firefighters, these public servants may face a higher risk for cancer. North Carolina firefighters and readers are well aware of the risk for physical harm when fighting fires. However, it has recently come to light that…