Most people in North Carolina are aware that the causal relationship between exposure to asbestos and the lung cancer known as mesothelioma has long been a demonstrated medical fact. However, no one could say whether the risk of contracting mesothelioma…
In a ruling that could help North Carolina residents who are suffering from mesothelioma recover damages from manufacturers of asbestos-containing products, a state appellate court affirmed a $5.5 million dollar verdict in favor of a plaintiff who alleged that on-the-job…
A newly-released study provides much useful information for North Carolinians who may have been exposed to asbestos. In an article published in the Journal of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, two researchers found that the risk of…
A new study of treatment results for abdominal cancer gives new hope to North Carolina residents. The study is based on twenty years of treatment data and gives hope to those who suffer from mesothelioma and other types of abdominal…
North Carolina residents may be interested to learn that the renovation of the 156-year-old Davidson County Courthouse in Lexington, North Carolina, once again emphasizes the continuing hazard posed by the presence of asbestos-containing products in older buildings. The hazard is…
The link between asbestos fibers and lung cancer is well-known, and it has been medically proven. Many persons who inhaled asbestos fibers, including many residents of North Carolina, have recovered compensation dollars from manufacturers of asbestos-containing products whose products caused…
The estate and family of a shipyard worker who died from mesothelioma won a $7.25 million verdict on March 13, 2014 against a variety of companies that manufactured asbestos-containing products. The verdict is good news for residents in North Carolina…
A recent jury verdict awarding the plaintiff and his wife the combined sum of $27.5 million offers hope for North Carolina asbestos victims. The plaintiff suffers from mesothelioma, a type of lung cancer that is most commonly the result of…
Mesothelioma is an especially lethal form of lung cancer that is most commonly caused by exposure to asbestos fibers. In North Carolina, many workers contract the disease after exposure to asbestos in the workplace, either after working directly with asbestos,…
While the following story did not occur here in North Carolina, the issues that it raises regarding asbestos are important for anyone in any state. A high school in Minnesota was recently inspected and found to have asbestos in some…