Category Archives: Asbestos

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Asbestos in Drinking Water: What You Need to Know

Asbestos in Drinking Water: What You Need to Know

If you are concerned about your drinking water and its possible levels of asbestos, it is wise to talk to your doctor. Asbestos was once a common building material, and your drinking water may contain very low levels of it.…

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How to Identify Asbestos in Everyday Products We Use

How to Identify Asbestos in Everyday Products We Use

Although asbestos is less common in current-day products, it can still be found contaminating certain items. Additionally, many old products that contain or are contaminated with asbestos can be found in circulation, particularly in old construction materials. Like many consumers,…

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Asbestos Exposure in South Carolina Shipyards

Asbestos Exposure in South Carolina Shipyards

South Carolina has a significant number of shipyards along its coast. Throughout the mid-1930s to the late-1970s, these shipyards used asbestos for fireproofing, heatproofing, and corrosion protection in many materials and equipment used in ships. Many employees and military members…

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Asbestos in Schools: What You Need to Know

Asbestos in Schools: What You Need to Know

Decades ago, asbestos was a common building material used in the United States. Today, people can still find it in ceiling tiles, insulation, floor tiles, and other building materials. While asbestos exposure is known to cause severe health problems, including…

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What Causes Mesothelioma Besides Asbestos?

What Causes Mesothelioma Besides Asbestos?

Most people have a thin layer of tissue that lines their organs. Medical professionals call this layer the mesothelium. When someone has asbestos exposure, their chances of developing cancer in their mesothelium increase. This form of cancer is called mesothelioma.…

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Filing an Asbestos Claim After Death of a Loved One

Filing an Asbestos Claim After Death of a Loved One

When you have lost a loved one to mesothelioma, lung cancer, or other illnesses caused by asbestos exposure, there are some cases where you can file a wrongful death claim. Unfortunately, filing an asbestos claim after the death of a…

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Statutes of Limitations to File an Asbestos Claim in South Carolina

Statutes of Limitations to File an Asbestos Claim in South Carolina

A statute of limitations in civil claims is the amount of time an individual has to file their claim before they are barred from securing compensation. In most cases, the statute of limitations begins from the date of injury, but…

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Inhaling microscopic fibers can cause asbestosis

Inhaling microscopic fibers can cause asbestosis

If you work in certain industries or locations, such as auto mechanics, a naval shipyard, a railroad, factory or old school building, there may be unseen hazards in your workplace that place your health at risk. Many North Carolina workers…

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What is asbestos, and why is it dangerous?

What is asbestos, and why is it dangerous?

If you have ever worked in a building or lived in a North Carolina home constructed before 1978, you’re at risk for certain adverse health conditions. The same is true if you’ve worked in an auto mechanics shop, on a…

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Common signs of asbestos poisoning

Common signs of asbestos poisoning

When you go to work, you are likely not thinking about the many different ways you could experience physical harm or suffer the effects of an illness as a result of the work you do. In reality, workers do sometimes…

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