Author Archives: William M. Graham

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Man survives climb to top of Mount Everest dies of mesothelioma

Man survives climb to top of Mount Everest dies of mesothelioma

Imagine you make the climb all the way to the summit of Mount Everest and become deathly ill from oxygen deprivation and are left for dead, only to be rescued a day later and you survive the ordeal. An Australian…

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North Carolina fire department settles OSHA claims

North Carolina fire department settles OSHA claims

The North Carolina Department of Labor issued citations to the Town of Indian Beach fire department. At issue were safety violations related to asbestos removal and electrical wiring. Among the citations issued, 12 were serious violations of the Occupational Safety…

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Who needs to clean up the asbestos?

Who needs to clean up the asbestos?

Residents of a New Jersey township are gridlocked with local officials about the cleanup of a demolished hospital that reportedly poses an asbestos hazard. The site contains piles of construction debris, some of which contain asbestos according to EPA reports.…

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New cause of mesothelioma may be right outside your front door

New cause of mesothelioma may be right outside your front door

We have long discussed the dangers that asbestos exposure presents. For several years, it has been known that mesothelioma is caused by contact with and prolonged exposure to the toxic substance, but there may be additional causes. Recent studies have…

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Iron Range workers at increased risk of mesothelioma

Iron Range workers at increased risk of mesothelioma

The Iron Range is an area in northeast Minnesota where there are high numbers of iron ore bands. Over the years, several Iron Range workers have died from mesothelioma, which is a deadly disease caused by asbestos exposure. Public health…

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School takes proper precautions for asbestos

School takes proper precautions for asbestos

More often than not, an organization who improperly deals with asbestos makes the news. Typically, they have failed to notify residents or workers of the toxic substance or they did not remove the asbestos safely. In some cases, though, it…

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Wife dies from mesothelioma, never visited worksite

Wife dies from mesothelioma, never visited worksite

A wrongful death suit is now pending in British courts after a 56-year-old British woman died from continuous exposure to asbestos on her husband’s clothing. Her husband was a construction worker whose jobs involved sweeping the asbestos yard and moving…

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Family of Virginia mesothelioma victim awarded over $9 million

Family of Virginia mesothelioma victim awarded over $9 million

Shipyards used to be common places to find asbestos in products. Shipbuilders previously manufactured parts using asbestos because it the fiber is heat-resistant and inexpensive. However, in many cases, it wasn’t until it was too late that the dangers of…

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Products with asbestos mistakenly accepted at nonhazardous site

Products with asbestos mistakenly accepted at nonhazardous site

Handling materials that contain asbestos properly is very important. Many demolition or waste companies have procedures in place that ensure the materials are handled safely and properly. When these procedures do not exist, however, people may unknowingly mishandle dangerous products…

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Plant worker discovers asbestos at water pumping plant

Plant worker discovers asbestos at water pumping plant

A worker engaged in routine maintenance activities at a water pumping plant in Bakersfield, California discovered asbestos there. Exposure to asbestos is extremely dangerous and can be fatal, causing a variety of types of personal injury and illness, including mesothelioma…

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