Author Archives: William M. Graham

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Must defendants be identified before bringing asbestos lawsuit?

Must defendants be identified before bringing asbestos lawsuit?

Many people who have worked in North Carolina’s shipyards, steel mills, paper mills and other heavy industries may have been exposed to airborne asbestos fibers on the job, but they have no idea which companies manufactured the asbestos-containing products that…

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What is strict product liability?

What is strict product liability?

When a person gets sick as a result of exposure to asbestos, he or she can be entitled to compensation from the party responsible for the exposure. In some cases, this can be a property owner who failed to adequately…

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Understanding what asbestos is and why it is so dangerous

Understanding what asbestos is and why it is so dangerous

We discuss some complicated and advanced topics on this blog from time to time, from premises liability laws to federal asbestos regulations. But one thing that shouldn’t be difficult to understand is that asbestos exposure can be deadly. In order…

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Treatments for mesothelioma

Treatments for mesothelioma

Any person who has been diagnosed with mesothelioma or supported a loved one with this diagnosis knows how devastating this illness is. They may also understand that despite medical advancements, this cancer is rare and aggressive making it very difficult…

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Unlawful release of asbestos fibers leads to prison sentences

Unlawful release of asbestos fibers leads to prison sentences

When individuals are facing criminal charges, they might also face civil charges as well. This occurs when their actions whether deliberate, negligent or accidental, causes injury or death to others. The victims and their loved ones suffering because of their…

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Litigating asbestos claims can be complex, but often essential

Litigating asbestos claims can be complex, but often essential

We have used this blog to inform readers about the many ways asbestos can damage a person’s health, finances, and family. We often encourage victims of asbestos exposure to explore their legal options for pursuing a case and compensation from…

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Spice shows promise in battle against mesothelioma

Spice shows promise in battle against mesothelioma

Those who have been damage by the harmful effects of mesothelioma are sure to be interested in any new study that is done on the subject. Every bit of data collected by researches has the potential to change the lives…

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How is mesothelioma caused by asbestos?

How is mesothelioma caused by asbestos?

People generally understand how dangerous asbestos is. The fact that exposure to asbestos can result in devastating and life-threatening illnesses has been known for decades. In fact, there are a number of laws, regulations and awareness campaigns designed to protect…

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Seeking workers’ compensation after asbestos exposure on the job

Seeking workers’ compensation after asbestos exposure on the job

Many of the people who are diagnosed with illnesses like mesothelioma and asbestosis are victims of asbestos exposure on the job. In some cases, these conditions are automatically considered to be a workplace illness, which means that victims are eligible…

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The importance of mesothelioma awareness

The importance of mesothelioma awareness

In North Carolina, there may be victims of asbestos exposure who are unaware of their risk for mesothelioma. It is important to be aware of the risks, symptoms and signs of this potentially deadly disease. Victims of mesothelioma from asbestos…

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