Author Archives: William M. Graham

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Work-related deaths peaked in North Carolina in 2014

Work-related deaths peaked in North Carolina in 2014

On-the-job injury or death will always be a hazard in certain dustries, but 2014 was an especially bad year for North Carolina workers. The number of work-related deaths in the state nearly doubled from 2013 to 2014. Twenty-three work place…

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Why are there so many parties named in many asbestos lawsuits?

Why are there so many parties named in many asbestos lawsuits?

If you or a loved one has been exposed to asbestos and has learned that exposure has led to a catastrophic illness, you need to understand your legal rights and options. In many cases, it is possible to file a…

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What is a “wrongful death” action?

What is a “wrongful death” action?

A commonly asked question is whether a personal injury lawsuit can be brought against the alleged wrongdoer if the injured person dies from his (or her) injuries before the suit is commenced. For many decades, the answer was “no,” because…

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More than 100 cases of cancer diagnosed in group of miners

More than 100 cases of cancer diagnosed in group of miners

A recent report released some troubling numbers for miners in the Iron Range. Out of 69,000 people who worked in the mining industry between 1930 and 1982, a total of 101 have since been diagnosed with mesothelioma. State Department of…

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Navy veterans with asbestos illnesses: Know your legal options

Navy veterans with asbestos illnesses: Know your legal options

If you or a loved one served in the U.S. Navy, worked in shipbuilding or were employed as a longshoreman, you should understand the risks of asbestos exposure. The men and women who worked in these capacities often came into…

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What to know about asbestos and premises liability claims

What to know about asbestos and premises liability claims

When people think about premises liability claims, they often think of claims that involve dog bites, slip-and-fall injuries or swimming pool accidents. While these are some of the more common incidents prompting premises liability claims, asbestos exposure can also be…

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Claiming damages from asbestos requires lawyers with experience

Claiming damages from asbestos requires lawyers with experience

This blog has frequently noted that airborne fibers from asbestos-containing products continue to pose a health hazard both in North Carolina and throughout the country. These fibers are found in old building that are being renovated or torn down, in…

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Asbestos hazards cannot just be wiped away

Asbestos hazards cannot just be wiped away

There is no doubt that construction work comes with some very obvious on-the-job hazards, from working high off the ground to using heavy and powerful machinery. However, some of the most dangerous risks of construction work are too small to…

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What you need to know if you suffer a work-related illness

What you need to know if you suffer a work-related illness

Workers across North Carolina are typically eligible to pursue financial relief if they get hurt or develop an occupational disease through the course of their employment. This relief is workers’ compensation, and it can be crucial for people to understand…

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An asbestos primer: how does asbestos exposure cause illness?

An asbestos primer: how does asbestos exposure cause illness?

Most people in North Carolina know that asbestos poses a significant health hazard, but not everyone understands how this material causes illness. In our last blog under the title “Asbestos Primer,” we described the physical nature of asbestos: it is…

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