Author Archives: William M. Graham

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Understanding asbestos trust funds

Understanding asbestos trust funds

Over the course of six decades of litigation in North Carolina and elsewhere involving the health hazards of asbestos, many companies have elected to seek protection from such claims under the federal Bankruptcy Act. A bankruptcy proceeding proved to be…

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Respirator maker sued in connection with mesothelioma

Respirator maker sued in connection with mesothelioma

Because of the pain and suffering associated with mesothelioma, it is not uncommon for those who are diagnosed with the disease to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for exposure to asbestos—the substance that causes the condition. In many…

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Renovation workers subject to asbestos exposure

Renovation workers subject to asbestos exposure

This blog has included many posts about the various kinds of occupations that entail a high risk of asbestos exposure, including construction, ship building, roofing and installation and removal of thermal insulation. As states such as North Carolina begin the…

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The importance of determining the source of asbestos in lawsuits

The importance of determining the source of asbestos in lawsuits

The diagnosis of mesothelioma is devastating. As we covered in the last post, the medical condition—for which there is no cure—is caused by an exposure to asbestos. The exposure can take place decades before the condition is diagnosed and is…

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At the beginning

At the beginning

Some of our North Carolina readers are new to the subject of asbestos and the havoc it can wreak in a person’s life. So let’s briefly recap what asbestos is and what it can do. As the Centers for Disease…

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Is the VA failing asbestos-exposed veterans?

Is the VA failing asbestos-exposed veterans?

Annually, out of the 3,000 mesothelioma cases diagnosed and 10,000 deaths, approximately 30 percent are veterans; veterans who were never warned that being exposed to asbestos was deadly and who are now not able to receive the care they so…

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How does asbestos product exposure make people sick?

How does asbestos product exposure make people sick?

This blog has included many posts about the acute health hazard for people in North Carolina, and other states, posed by the continuing presence of asbestos-containing materials in older buildings. We have also written about the hazards of asbestos product…

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Family recovers $14M in mesothelioma case

Family recovers $14M in mesothelioma case

Mesothelioma is a terrible disease that impacts the lungs of individuals throughout the nation, including North Carolina. It is fatal and often tied to asbestos exposure that may have occurred decades before the disease is diagnosed. When that exposure is…

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Preemption of state court claims in asbestos litigation

Preemption of state court claims in asbestos litigation

When it comes to seeking compensation in asbestos litigation, determining the appropriate avenue for doing so is not always a straightforward matter. In asbestos litigation, determining the right avenue for compensation is important in order to ensure that an exposure…

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Danger of asbestos product exposure still lurks

Danger of asbestos product exposure still lurks

Despite decades of awareness in North Carolina, and elsewhere, about the health hazards created by the use of asbestos as a construction and insulation material, the mineral continues to pose problems for the owners of older buildings that are undergoing…

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